3 || Hold Up, They Don't Love You Like I Love You

Start from the beginning

After arriving to the venue, she, Deuce and G went straight to the dressing room. Two hours later, she was ready to go. She wore a simple red dress with her favorite Fendi heels.

The moderator introduced both as she and Kokee walked out on stage waving at the audience. Case briefly scanned the crowd and noticed her mom, granny, Deuce, G, Michelle and Bree on the front row. For the first time, no Gabe. This upsetted her more than she had hoped. She felt this horrible feeling of disappointment in her stomach. She knew what Bree was telling her the other day was true: she still loved Gabe no matter how much she tried to fight it.

Case and Ko were asked a few starter questions before getting down to the meat and greasy.

"So Kokee, how was it working with lawyer bae? I'm sure the world would agree with me when I say we're jealous that you got to see her in action and work alongside her on one of her high profile cases!"

"You know, Case is a different breed. She's so passionate about her work. I loved working with her. Although at times I had to tame the beast, I enjoyed it. She put in a lot of time, love and effort into this case and I couldn't be any more excited when she asked me to work with her. She played a major role in our success on this case. She's a hard hitter, most definitely"

"You said taming the beast. Explain that for us."

Kokee laughed before responding. "Well Case isn't going to take any BS. She'll call you out on it and if she feels like you're trying to play her or test her strength and knowledge, she will either explode or be an asshole. You never know what you're going to get. Growing up with her, I could usually tell which way she was going to go so I knew how to tame the beast. Case is a really good attorney and she's great at what she does. It's just that sometimes, her emotions cloud her judgment.

Most people doubt her because she's first, she's a woman, second, she's black and third she's fairly young. But she proved them wrong every time. She worked long nights and early morning on this case to ensure Calvin was heard loud and clear and that justice was served."

"You grew up with her? I think I've heard you mention that y'all were best friends back in the day. So when you saw the jaw dropping proposal on national TV, how did that make you feel?"

Case cut her eyes at the moderator realizing where she was trying to go. This happened often. Gabe was always a topic no matter the discussion.

"I was happy for her! A month or two before that, OG and Case were in town. I think it was her mom's birthday. I can't remember but something was going on. OG set up a studio session and invited us all out. Case doesn't know her father so her cousins are really all she got. Its almost like we raised each other. We've been through so much together you wouldn't believe it if I told you, so our bond is indescribable. We look out for each other like siblings. OG knew that so he invited myself, her cousin Kev, her cousins G and Mac and Shine. He told us he had already asked her brothers and they were with it 100% and he just wanted our input out of respect. Out of all of us, G and Mac gave him the hardest time because Case practically raised them so you know they ain't just letting anyone play step daddy" he paused letting the crowd laugh "but they knew how happy Case was and they saw how OG looked out for her so he had our blessing. And honestly, you get one shot with us so any other dude thinking about marrying her already lost. We only give one blessing so she's stuck with that blessing foreva." Kokee said eyeing Case as if he was telling her to get her shit together.

"I see you have your engagement ring on the other hand. What's going on with you, Casey?"

"I'm great. Gabe and I are busy raising our son and figuring out our lives."


"With our son Deuce, yes. Are we here to talk about my personal life or my work on the Calvin White case?"

Casey was beyond pissed at this point. She made it clear months before that she was open and willing to do any panel with Gabe. Partially because she knew he would never agree but if he wanted to she would. The point was to keep her personal life out of any up and coming interviews. She only wanted to discuss her relationship with Gabe if, and only if, he was a guest too.

After the panel was finally over, Casey rushed to pick up Deuce and head home. She was in her feelings about what Ko said. She wasn't sure if she wanted to call Gabe and apologize or express her true feelings. Her pride was the only thing in the way. Once she got home, she fed Deuce and sat in the living room with him as they watched TV. Checking her phone, she noticed the multiple notifications from Benji. He had been calling her nonstop since she broke it off with him. He even began to text. She paid it no mind thinking that he only wanted closure which she was willing to give to him once she understood and confessed her true feelings for Gabe. She was unintentionally putting Gabe first, again.

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