You Broke Your Promise!

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Your POV

He saw me. Joel saw me. And he didn't smile. I knew it was a mistake coming here. I can't BELIEVE I let Yoandri talk me into calling Paty! Ugh I'm so stupid! I shouldn't even be here. As I'm having my mental breakdown I begin to hear footsteps, "Oh God, help me now..." I mutter looking up at the ceiling and blinking back tears. The boys' loud voices echo into the room and as they enter they smile upon seeing Paty and her sister. But as they scan the room and see me sitting down on a chair, their eyes become saucers. "(Y-Y/N)?" Christopher asks with a small voice. I nod, feeling tears form in my eyes. "Hey Chris...Zabdiel, Richard, Erick. Oh how I missed you guys..." I say as I stand up from my seat. In no more than two seconds I'm basically tackled to the floor by these four boys. "No puede ser! Estás aquí!" Erick yells happily.
"Yes, I'm here, and I saw your show!" I replied with tears streaming down my face.
"No llores! Please don't cry (Y/N)..." Richard says as he wipes the tears falling down from my face with his finger and envelopes me in a hug. He was always like my big brother. I missed this so much. "Que te paso? What happened? Are you okay?" Zabdiel asks me with worry in his voice.
"Yeah why haven't we heard from you Nena?" Christopher asks me.
I simply give them a sad smile and say, "It's a long story, I don't want to tell you all right now cause it'll ruin the mood."
They all look at me with concerned glances but nod their heads nonetheless. What they don't know is that I have my hospital file in my bag, and the newspaper articles as well.
"What are you doing here?" I hear a voice ask firmly. I turn my head toward the door and see a figure leaning against the door frame. His lean muscular figure draws me in, his curly hair as adorable and crazy as always. I small smile plays on my lips, that is until I see the cold glare he sends my way.
"Joel, I-" I begin but am cut off.
"Save it. You know I actually thought you would be there. You said you'd support me, all of us, and you didn't. You weren't there! I counted on you, WE counted on you, and you left us just like that! You made a promise to me (Y/N), and you broke it..."
Joel looks down and mutters something else under his breath but I couldn't hear him. I walk forward and stand a foot away from him. He picks his head up and looks at me, anger, betrayal, and sadness swimming in his chocolate pools.
"Joel, i couldn't. If I could've I would've been there throughout your entire journey on La Banda. No other friend supported you the way I did. The amount that I supported you. Please understand me." I plead attempting to look him in the eye.
He doesn't look my way and after a while responds, "I don't believe you. Just go."
I sigh sadly and feel tears welling up in my eyes as well as anger. I face the door with my back to the boys and quickly spin around. I don't speak, cause I know that if I do nothing but nonsense and hurt will escape my lips. I take out the thick file from my bag and drop it on the table in the room. It creates a loud smack! as it makes contact with the wooden surface. I turn back around and head toward the door.
"What's that?" I hear Joel ask coldly.
"My explanation." I simply say before walking out of the room with silent tears streaming down my cheeks.

Richard's POV

"Que chingados fue eso, Joel!?" I exclaim once (Y/N) left the room.
"Nos dejó guey! How would you expect me to react?" Joel snaps back.
"Not like that!" Christopher butts in.
"Mijo," Paty begins, "you need to understand. She actually couldn't be there."
"What's that even suppose to mean? Everyone can do anything, she just didn't want to be there!" Joel exclaims, his voice breaking. I sigh, I know how much Joel cared for (Y/N), she was his first love, and she still is.

I notice Erick go to the table where the file is

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I notice Erick go to the table where the file is. Erick's eyes begin to move side to side as he reads, and then they stop. I see his eyes become glazed with tears and they widen in shock.
"Erick? Qué pasa loco?" Zabdiel asks him.
"Vengan a ver.." he responds while he continues reading. He sets the file on the table and takes out its contents. Inside are newspaper clippings and medical records of the past 2 years. We huddle around Erick and scan the papers, but one catches my eye. I pick it up and read the title:

St. Micheal's Trauma Hospital

"Que es eso?" Christopher asks as he puts down a newspaper clipping

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Que es eso?" Christopher asks as he puts down a newspaper clipping.
"It's a medical record.." I say, and immediately Joel, Zabdiel, Christopher, and Erick are reading the report over my shoulder. It reads:

St. Micheal's Trauma Hospital


Patient name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 18
Date of Birth: (Y/B/M) (Y/B/D), 1999
Allergies: N/A
Mother: deceased in crash
Father: deceased in crash
Sibling(s): Brother; in critical condition (deceased at 00:25 on 5/17/2016)

Description of Patient's Condition:
Patient was rushed into the hospital at 23:47 along with one other patient. She was unconscious but still breathing. There was a large gash at the large lumbar region, inferior that will most likely leave a scar after stitches. There are 3 broken ribs on her right side. No damage to the heart or lungs. A large cut is located on the front of her head close to the hairline which indicated she took a hard blow.

Post Operation:
Patient is in coma. Family is deceased. Doctor is unsure if the patient will wake up, or will simply just let go. Lawyers are being contacted in hopes to give this young girl justice.

I finish reading and feel tears streaming down my face. I gently place the medical report down and sit on the couch. Chris is sitting on the floor against the table with his head in his hands. Zabdiel places a hand on his forehead thinking about everything and covers his mouth. Erick, let's just say it isn't good, he's leaning against the table breathing heavily as tears fall from his face to the wooden surface. Joel seems frozen in place. He slowly picks up a picture that was behind the report. It's a picture of (Y/N), my "little sister", with tubes running down her throat to supply her with oxygen, and IVs supplying formula and blood to her veins.

 I rest my elbows on my knees and place my head in my hands

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I rest my elbows on my knees and place my head in my hands. The next thing I hear are rapid footsteps leave the room and echo in the hallway. Joel is running to her.

Mi Rey (Joel Pimentel x reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें