Act 5

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The drama, excluding BOTTOM, are in QUINCE's room. Again, SNUG is fast asleep.

QUINCE: Any news on BOTTOM?

STARVELING: (shakes head) No one's seen him for days.

SNOUT: I've checked his house. He's not there.

FLUTE: Where could he be?

STARVELING: Do you think the aliens took him?

FLUTE: What? No! That's the craziest idea I've ever heard!

SNOUT: Well what do you suppose happened? People don't just vanish into thin air, FLUTE.

STARVELING: Do you think he got cold feet and bailed?

QUINCE: As much as I want to want to believe that, it's not like BOTTOM. In addition to that, I heard that another two couples are getting married today. It's not just THESUS and HIPPOLYTA now.

STARVELING: So we can't screw this up.

SNOUT: If we don't, we're goners for life.

FLUTE: Oh, come on! Did you have to say it?

QUINCE: (sigh) What do you think, SNUG?

(QUINCE got to no reply as SNUG slept on. QUINCE had an annoyed expression on his face. He pushed SNUG to the floor. SNUG woke up with a start.)

SNUG: Wha...?

QUINCE: Wake up, SNUG! This is serious!

SNUG: (sleepily) BOTTOM'S gone? Oh, um, yeah. Gone. Whatever. I'm going to go back to sleep.

(SNUG made himself comfy, on the floor this time and fell asleep.)

SNOUT: He's kidding, right?

STARVELING: What are we going to do now? We have to be at THESUS'S place soon, and BOTTOM's still not here.

(While STARVELING spoke, BOTTOM snuck behind the drama club.)

BOTTOM: Hey, guys! (jumps onto his feet from behind his friends)

(The drama club freaked out at the sudden appearance of their missing member. One of them fell on top of SNUG. SNUG woke up with a scream.)

SNUG: Hey! (pushes person off)

FLUTE: (jumps up) BOTTOM! (hugs BOTTOM) Where have you been? It's been days! What have you been doing? Why isn't your head a horse anymore? (releases BOTTOM)

BOTTOM: I didn't understand anything you just said, but things have been really, really weird lately. Anyway, I'm back, and the play's supposed to start soon, right?

QUINCE: Yep! You showed up just in time.

BOTTOM: Great! Everyone ready? Let's go, guys! (raises fist)

(The friends cheered, but SNUG wasn't sure what was going on, so he just copied what SNOUT was doing. On their way out, QUINCE kept SNUG in the room by holding his shoulder.)

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