Wings of fire crap

42 3 4

So this exist:

It's sideways cause life sucks

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

It's sideways cause life sucks

Also the drawing sucks in the first place

But ANYways!

Marais(swamp in French)
Age is 21 in human years cause idk dragon years
Baywing (tribe by: Art_Sponge )
Appearance is above
She is very much a jokester, abnormally large ego, curious bean sometimes, funny, also likes jokes
Um... can't think of a family at the moment
Can shoot those weak bolts of lightning, fast swimmer can hold breath for only two hours
She fears death itself, and bees
She likes swimming of course, messing around, making jokes, and chasing swamp fish and annoying gators/crocs(forgot which lives in swamps)
She hates bees, making bad jokes, bad jokes in general, boringness, crocs/gators trying to eat/chasing her, and a fish getting away before she can try to eat it
No occupation at the moment
She lives in a swamp in Selva
No crush or mate, yet
Backstory:so, here's the reason she hates bees, she was just minding her own business, young and in the area she used to live, a jungle, and she came across a nest of bees, and not honey bees, she rapidly poked it, being very stupid when she was young, then trying to pull it off where it was. Marais then watched as the bees came flooding out and chased her. She freaked out in a panic, luckily her parents(whoever the frik they are) had saw this and managed to get rid of the bees.

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