Chapter one: BLUE

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Chapter two: BLUE

~Malia's POV~

as I run through the woods pain spreads throughout my body and I start to see a human town up ahead. yes! I think but then I look again and see it's my hometown. shit!

then as I enter into town I stager toward Maggie and fall into her arms as she looks at me in shock and worry. then I let the black take over.


when I wake up I find I'm in my old room. it's just like I remember. the wood floor, the sky blue curtains, the blue and white bed sheets. all of it!

I can't believe they never did any thing to it. and after the way I left to.

its unbelievable.

when I go to move I wince in pain. oh yeah. I was shot.

as I slowly stand up I notice the bandage on my side.

then I hear little foot steps and see Max coming in and help him up on my lap. god I love these kids.

then Malisa and Marick come in and jump up fallowed by Molly who just stands at the door awkwardly. then I show her a small smile and she gins wale running up and jumping on my lap pushing Max to the side and he yells out in protest.

then Maggie comes in and smiles at the seen before noticing my harsh glare on her. as she gulps Nick comes in and sending me a deathly glare he ushers the kids out telling them to never come near me again.


then Maggie comes in farther and closes the door before pleading.

Maggie: "please Malia hear me out! you know I never wanted to hert you! I love you as if you really where my flesh and blood child! just please under stand the kids need to be safe!"

I stand up forgetting the pain.

me: "then why would you push me out on the streets with nothing but the clothes on my back and treating me like a peace of shit!? huh?!"

the Nick enters.

Nick: "you killed someone Lea!"

me: "that someone was trying to kill you guys! I had to! he was a fucking Vampire!!"

then a knock goes off at the door. as Nick goes to get the door Maggie runs out and I shut and lock the door behind her.

then Nick calls up to me and I head down stairs. when I reach the bottom I see Dexter and run to give him a hug as he kisses my forehead.

then he ask to come in and Maggie nods her head yes.

when we get to my room I hug him once again. then he looks at me and says...

Dex: "you do know your all ways well come at my place right?"

I nod my head yes.

then we hug once more and he leaves.


when I wake up I go down stairs after packing all my things and take them out side when Maggie comes out after me with Nick on her tail.

Maggie: "what are you doing?!"

me: "leaving!"

then Haddly shows up in her truck and we load the stuff in the back and go to jump in the front.

as we take off I look back to see the tears in Maggie's eye's and the hate in Nick's.

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