Interview | T.H.

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You were sitting on a chair next to Haz, while Tom had an interview for some youtube channel.
Tom brought you and on almost every his interview, because when someone asked him something rude, Tom just looked at you and instantly calmed down. Your smile had a very big effect on Tom and he knew it as you did. Just everytime you smiled, he felt his knees got weak.
Haz was on his interviews, because he didn't want Tom to do something stupid or embarrass himself in front of the camera. And he was Tom's and yours best friend.

You were Tom's girlfriend, but no one knew it, except your families and close friends. Tom didn't want you to be attacked with thousand of messages everyday. You two just waited for the right moment to go public.
Tom cared about you a lot and wanted you to be happy and you were. Tom was everything you ever needed.

There were rumours about you two dating, because you were everywhere with Tom. He presented you as his manager, but some people could clearly see you weren't just his manager.

During the interview, Tom glanced at you every minute and sent you a smile, which you replied.

"Can you stop smiling?" Haz whispered to you.

"Why?" you said quietly and faced Haz.

"Because this div over there," he slightly pointed at Tom. "Has his attention only attracted to you!" he whisper-yelled at you and you laughed, looking back at Tom, who was now answering a question about his upcoming movies.

"That's my charm, Haz." you smiled at Haz. He rolled his eyes and shaked his head.

"Yeah, but it's only affecting Tom, not me." Haz chuckled and you rested your head on his shoulder. Tom glanced at you again and smiled at seeing his best friend and his girl together, watching him.

You send a smile to Tom and he ran his fingers through his brown curly hair, grinning to himself. Haz rolled his eyes again and sighed.

"Tom?" the interviewer asked, trying to get Tom's attention back. Tom turned his attention back to the interviewer and nodded with his lips pressed together, making that cute dorky face.
"I will ask again, is there any girl in your life making you happy? Because I can clearly see there is," the interviewer smirked at Tom and glanced at you for a second.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked, pretending he didn't understand.

"There are rumours, you and Y/n Y/l/n are dating, is it true? Because I can clearly see the chemistry between you two." the interviewer raised his eyebrows at Tom.

"Uhh, I don't know," Tom said and looked at you again.
"Y/n, can you come here please?"

You mouthed a what at Tom and he nodded. You stood up from your chair and walked to him. Meanwile, Harrison was internally freaking out what was Tom going to do.

"Hello." Tom greeted you, when you were standing next to him.

"Hi." you smiled. Tom grabbed your hips and pulled you down, on his lap. The interviewer was silently watching the scene, telling the cameraman to record everything.

You got comforted on Tom as he rested his hands on your belly. You leaned into his touch and smiled.

"So, the rumours are true?" the interviewer spoke up. You faced Tom and he chuckled at you.

"What do you say Y/n? Are they?" Tom smirked at you. You turned around to face the interviewer again.

"I think so." you grabbed Tom's hand and intertwined your fingers.

The interviwer looked at the camera and laughed.
"So fans of Tom Holland, the rumours are true! He has a lovely girlfriend!" he said and you and Tom laughed, while Haz was getting insane, because of you two.

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