rays breaking threw

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Naruto woke cuddled against something warm and solid, opening his eyes he saw shika-senpais vest and leaned into his muscled chest, he breathed in his scent, "you smell like the forest Shika-senpai" naruto mumbled.

He stopped thinking altogether when he felt something hard poke his leg, "shika-senpai is hard for me?" Embarrassed by this revelation naruto tried to wiggle out of shikamarus embrace, shikamaru groaned as he felt something rub against his little shika,
"Naruto stop wiggling im gonna cum"
Shikamaru looked at naruto and saw him blush so he heard, but naruto didnt stop he actually wiggled more specifically his hips.

Shikamaru groaned, "i-im cummi..."
He was cut off by naruto capturing his lips, when naruto moaned  shika slipped his tongue into the kiss.

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