One Lie at a Time ✰

Start from the beginning

"So are you gonna tell Josh that you're not into boys? You know, that way?" Alex asked

"Well, all I said is I might be into girls. But I probably like boys, too. I don't know." She said

"Huh?" Alex asked

"Well, it's like.. I've never tried broccoli. So I can't say for sure that I don't like broccoli." She tried

"We had broccoli last night for dinner." Alex said

"It's a metaphor, Alex." I laughed as the phrase flew over the boy's head

"Broccoli means boys." Elena continued

"Oh, I see... but it's not like you tried girls before either. Sorry, I mean... I guess, cauliflower?" Alex said, trying to keep up with the extravagant metaphor

"That's because cauliflower is a lot harder to find. I mean, how many girls do you know that like cauliflower?" She asked

"None. Although, Finn is pretty sure Denise Falto does because she didn't want his skittles."  Alex said

"Skittles just means skittles." I clarified, when I noticed the horrified look appear on her face

"Well, let's just say I'm open to trying broccoli. I mean, I'm not gonna go out and buy broccoli, but if broccoli falls on my plate —" She started

"Stop. I don't want to know what your plate is." Alex groaned

"What are you doing?" I asked, when she grabbed her phone and began typing

"I told Josh to come over." Elena smiled

"What? Josh Flores is coming over? But I haven't showered." Alex cried, suddenly very self conscious

"I can tell." I joked, earning a glare from the boy

"What to wear, what to wear..." He said, continuing to freak out

"Yep, you two are not going to be here. You two, are going to Schneider's." Elena informed us

"Ooh, you're gonna have a boy over here alone?" I asked with a small smirk making its way onto my face

"Yeah, you know, maybe it'll be great, maybe it'll be terrible. But either way, you won't be here." She continued, pushing us to the front door so we'd leave

"Okay! But at least mention me to Josh. Tell him I'm awesome. No, no, too strong. Tell him I'm rad." Alex begged

She sighed and shut the door on our faces, making us look at each other before shrugging and heading towards Schneider's.


I sat on the couch in the apartment where I loved, while Alex continued to work on homework.

"Hey, Schneider, can I use your laptop?" Alex asked, when he noticed the tall man rummaging around in another room

"Yeah, sure thing, man." He said from another room, "You need to research something? Maybe I can help."

"I'm trying to get information on lesbians. Oh, wow. I just typed in les- and it filled in -bians. And then a lot of other stuff." Alex commented, smirking at the screen of the computer

"Gross." I gagged, as Schneider rushed out and slammed the laptop shut

"Yeah, let's shut that for now." He said

"Or forever." I suggested, earning a glare from Schneider

"Why do you need info on lesbians? Don't get me wrong I understand the curiosity, but..I'm not sure you should be doing that." Schneider questioned as they made their way to the couch where I sat

MISFIT ❁ ALEX ALVAREZWhere stories live. Discover now