80's Flims

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We finally arrived at the party. It was filled with people screaming, dancing, laughing, talking so basically having fun. I haven't been to a party in a long time. It was very much needed. The moment I walked in the door I found the kitchen. I needed a drink. "Wow you're already getting drunk." Deb laughed. "Shut up." I took a long sip and leaned on the counter. This house was nice too nice. Gina must be friends with one of those basic rich bitches who wears too much pink eyeshadow. "Y/n, I want you to meet my friend who's having this amazing party." Gina brought her over to me. Yep too much eyeshadow. "Hi I'm Kathy." "Hi cool party thanks for the invite." "No problem." Her and Gina walked over to "dancing area" or the living room. I lost Mark and Lucas. So I started walking around and ended up bumping into A.J. "Oh thank god I found someone I know." He said with a grin. "Don't like meeting new people?" "No I do but all these girls are trying dance on me and stuff I'm not really about it." "Why is that?" "I have someone else I rather be with." "Mmh is she pretty?" "Gorgeous." "Funny?" "Hilarious." "She's sounds like quite the catch." "She is, she really is." "Well I have to pee." I had looked around the lower level and didn't see a bathroom so I decided to check upstairs. "Wait you're just gonna leave me?" A.J asked. "No you can come with me if you want." I put out my hand and he took it. We walked upstairs.

There had to be a thousand rooms. Jeez this house was big. Kathy's parents must be rich just as I thought. Every door I opened there was a couple having sex or making out or something disturbing. "Where the hell is the bathroom?" I finally opened the door all the way at the end of the hall. "Thank god." A.J stopped in the doorframe. "I should I just like wait outside or?" "Sit in the bath tub." "Alright." He sat down and I went to the toilet. I finished up and washed my hands. A.J was picking his fingers. Nervous habit I suppose. I turned around to him. " Scooch over." He moved quickly and I sat next to him. I took his hand starting examining his fingers. "You need stop picking these they're gonna start bleeding." "I know." He said watching me. I started tracing the lines on his palm with my nail. "What are you doing?" "Nothing." I gave him his hand back. I turned my body so I was crisscross applesauce in the bath. He turned the same. Only my knees fit and his didn't. I placed my hands on his face. "Y/n how drunk are you?" "I'm not drunk, I just want to look at all your details. Don't be rude." He smiled. I started lightly dragging my fingers on his forehead then his eyebrows to his nose than his lips. When I reached his mouth he lightly grabbed my waist to stop it. I lifted my eyes to his. He placed my hand on the side of his face and then put his hand on the side of my face. He leaned in and so did I. Then fireworks exploded as our lips met.

I'm making out with A.J in a bath tub at a party in the house of girl named Kathy who's really rich and wears too much pink eyeshadow. Jesus. After a few moments, we both let go. "Do you think that girl you were talking about is gonna be mad about this?" "Well considering that girl is you." He paused arrowing his eyebrow. "I don't think she'll mind." I smiled. "Then can I tell you something?" "Yes?" "I think..actually I do like you." "Really?" "Yes now please say it back before I cry." I laughed. "I like you too." He grinned holding back a laugh. "Ok." I breathed in and out quickly. "Lets get out of this bath tub and dance." "Good idea." He jumped out the bath and took my hands helping me out. We met up with the rest of gang and danced the night away. I loved being so close to all of them, I finally had good friends who cared about me. After a few more drinks we decided it would be best to leave since we had work in the morning. A.J was the only one who didn't really drink so he drove. I sat next to him while Gina, Deb and the boys were in the back. "A.J." I definitively drank too much. "Y/n?" "You're a great driver." "Thanks." He laughed knowing I was wasted. A.J dropped everyone at the store and Joe's car. "Bye!" "Bye!" "Bye bye!" "Goodbye everyone!" "Bye!" We walked our separate ways again.

"Y/n." "A.J?" "Do you want me to walk you home?" "No no I'm ok." "Ok." "But." "Yes?" "Can I have a goodnight kiss?" He got closer to me and went for it. Whispering against my lips, "Goodnight y/n." "Goodnight A.J." I made it to my apartment and fall asleep on my bed but in my dress. I woke up to the annoying beeping of my alarm. "I didn't hit you hard enough last time." My head wasn't killing me too bad so I decided to go to work on time. I put on some jeans and t-shirt cause I wasn't in the mood for a skirt. I checked my face in the mirror. "Jeez you still look good, girl." I laughed and went out the door. "Morning Joe!" "Morning y/n!" I sat on the couch laying my feet on Lucas' legs. He placed his arms over them. "Are you okay y/n?" "Yeah just tired." He made a funny face that made me smile. Then I felt hands on my head. I looked up to see Deb. "Good morning." "Good morning." Gina came in with sunglasses on. "Where's the coffee?" She asked. "Right here." Mark came in from the back room with cups of coffee. Handing everyone one. Thank you's hit Mark like a trunk. He giggled, "No problem guys." "Where's A.J?" "On the roof?" "Is anyone at the cash registers?" Joe asked. "Come on." Gina said to Deb and they walked over. I got up and went to the roof.

part time job • a.j (empire records)Where stories live. Discover now