Something Beginning With B

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Mum opened the door. I listened in.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I should of bought you a big bunch of flowers, or, oh, a bunch of forget me nots."


"Are you Elizabeth Carter? Elizabeth Alice Carter?"


"Used to be Elizabeth Alice Dale right?"

"What are you talking about? Go away, go away, go on please!"

"I'm here in good faith I promise you.'

"Then let me shut this door!"

"Are you not a nice person then."

"I'm about to call the police right now."

"Would you be so kind to cast your mind back to the summer of 1949?"

"I was taking my 0 levels."

"Really, what did you get?"

"Well, English, French, Maths, Chemistry, Geography, History."



"Pretty bright huh? English, French, Maths, Chemistry, History, Geography...and me."

"You must not, you dare not say things,'re not?"

"I'm very tired, very very tired. Could also use something to eat."

"Who are you?"

"Your baby boy mama dear."

He walked in. He walked to the living room. He took his leather jacket off, he touched a few keys on the piano. I walked to Mum.

"It's a very nice house you got going for you. Mother?"

Mum was standing against the door smiling.

"Oh my baby, my little pink baby."

She saw me.

"You never told me I had a brother," I said kinda mad.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, four years before you were born, I had a son."

I nodded. We walked to him.

"This is my daughter Audrey," she introduced me to him.

"I have a sister!"

I nodded. We smiled and shook hands. He laid on the couch.

"I can't take it in, I...I don't if I-"

"You better have. You abandoned me, didn't you...well?"

"I had no choice."

"Hot diggity dee."

"I really had no choice, I was taken over, humiliated, bullied!"

"Poor you, pretty distracting with the 0 levels and all. Where did I come in, History or Chemistry? Or maybe extra curricular."

"I was a school girl!"

"A pregnant school girl."

"A poor innocent little creature who didn't know who to listen to, who to turn to, or how to escape or anything!"

He just stared at her.

"An overbearing father, a dimwit mother, and a coward of a headmistress!"

"Hey," he held out his hand.

She sat by him.

"I still keep thinking over and over what happened."

I Have A Brother? (A Schmoedipus Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now