Chapter 1

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Dedicated to MJWOLF thanks for always being there for me even after all this time. ♡


I blinked.

Blinked again.

The crack in the pale ceiling became more prominent as my vision became clear, light streamed through the curtains I knew it was 8:04 the staringling chirping outside the window made it loud and clear, my own natural alarm clock.

I listen closely to the sound of any movement through the paper tin walls, with a sigh of relief I place my feet on the cold wooden laminated floor on instinct I tip-toe across the bedroom ignoring the all to familiar shooting pains in my left ribs.  I slowly approach the closet picking up the first thing that comes to hand and change making sure I had a warm jacket giving how cold it is the past few February mornings.

My mothers eyes stared right back at me piercing green blue with specs scattered around the iris, 'You are a walking reminder!' Its all your fault and you know it.'  I see my phone light up through the cracked mirror snapping me out of my usual thoughts it became a hobby of mine a long time ago.

'Hey Cas I'm outside didn't want to beep.'

Grabbing my bag I silently leave the room skipping the step that always made a 'sqeek', I crept into the kitchen taking a granny apple from the bowl, the living room door was left slightly ajar, my father layed on the old brown couch loud snores echoing off the hollow walls, empty bottles swarming below him like fish.

Melissa's newly washed mini parked across the street, she loved that car 'more than anything in the in the world including all those other planets' a fine quotation from her.

I jumped slightly grinding my teeth together as a pain jolted to my side, shouting started from my neighbours that lived there the past 10 years, Jace King stood at his porch his body rigid and tense arguing with either his mom and dad or both, he swiftly turned away halfway down the paved path that Mrs. King kept well with beautiful rose bushes he glanced back and flipped the bird.

He made eye contact with me sending a broad smile bullet holes of beauty indent in his cheeks, I gave him a small wave before getting in the car.

I instantly noticed her new hair cut and smiled it's much more shorter but still shaped her face beautifully, she always talks about getting it done and never does.

"Needed a change?" I question as she grins, happily beaming.

"New hair new women." She announced starting the car.

"It suits you." I compliment she always had a baby face and I don't think that would ever change.

We stopped at a red light a huddle of men women and children started crossing , one child caught my attention her tiny hands intertwined with her parents, she looked up at them smiling eyes twingling with innocence and admiration, the way I looked at mine all those years ago.

"You on shift tonight?" She questions switching on the air heat immediately greeting my cold body

"No, not until tomorrow what about you?" I work in the local library it is the most peaceful part of my week burying myself into books instead of my bed, I work simultaneously when my father works.

"Yeah I'm on tonight," She replied glumly before continuing, "I never noticed how rude people can be until I worked in a café." She furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.

Melissa works there a little over a year now, her mom and ant are also waitresses as she always says she wants to break that cycle just needed the money first.

"Maybe you see yourself in them," I tease lightly as she pouted.

"Your probably right, you always are." She laughs but abruptly stops when headlights and beeping began behind us.

"Shit!" She hissed out stepping on the gas and beeping back, "You see? rudeness."

We eventually found a free parking space in the lot, I pulled hesitantly on my sleeves as we approach the school, Melissa greeting nearly everyone that passed by, she is so easy going and open minded it was hard not to like her.

Books and copies compressed together all over the place, my locker was pretty hectic, Melissa offered to fix it up more times than I can count but I simply brush it off, it was just going to be the same way a day later.

A swarm of people began to separate it is either 1 of 2 people the principal Mr. Johnson or Ryan Carter, I turn immediately when I see Ryan pretending to look for something in my locker I didn't want him to catch me staring.

He had a face that stopped you in your tracks, raven black hair tousled to the side mesmerising blue orbs that stood out against his tanned skin, but that did not concern me. He is well known for his vicious street fights and bad temper, he is a loner but isn't picked out and bullied for it like some kids.

Chatter erupted once again in the hallway once he was gone.

"I've the devil in disguise," Melissa groaned with an eye roll.

"She can't be that bad," I say trying to reason even though I knew it was useless.

"She sent Ben out of class last week because the poor guy didn't have a copy!"

"Or the time Sarah 'accidently' fell off her chair last year," Her complaints countine until the bell rings, I had Miss.Linn last year for history she was quite belligerent to say the least.

We parted ways in the cafeteria Melissa waving dramatically as always before disappearing into the crowd.

An uneasy feeling began in my gut and that is never good news for me, I stood still for a moment clutching books to my chest, taking a few breaths before shaking my head and making my way into the classroom.


Hey guy's what did you think of the first chappie of The Street Fighter And I! I'm so excited to re-write this story and if you haven't read the original that's cool hope you enjoy :)




15/2/19 ♡

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