Cheerio Poppet, See You At Six

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I love sleeping in, I sure do. My favorite thing to do on days off from school. I graduated not to long ago and off to university. There is a university here in Pennines, I didn't apply there though. I got accepted to a university out of town, many miles away. Daddy wanted me to go to the university here but he's gotta accept the fact I want to be independent, he cares more about his trains anyways.

I got out of bed. I was going to walk downstairs but I saw the door to Daddy's train room was cracked open. I took a look through it and there he was playing with his trains like a small child. I went downstairs and saw Mum in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee.

"Happy Birthday Mummy," I said kissing her on the cheek and handed her a card.

"Sweetie you didn't have to do that," she said with a chuckle.

"I wanted to Mummy."

She chuckled again.

Soon, me, Mum and Daddy were at the table. Daddy was reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee. They were talking about his so called railway stocks and stuff.

"Are you building a new layout Tom?" Mum asked.

"For his childish train sets," I said smirking.

Daddy turned to me.

"It's not childish Audrey, it is for my job. It's what I do to put food on the table for this family! And you young lady, do not speak unless you're spoken to! Is that clear?"

"Yes Daddy."

"You're twenty years old, you should know better."

I stayed quiet until he got up to put his coat and hat on.

"Cheerio poppet, see you at six," Mum said to herself.

He walked to her and gave her a kiss on top her head.

"Cheerio poppet, see you at six. Bye darling."

"Bye Daddy," I said.

Daddy gave me a kiss and left for work. The phone rang, Mum picked up. I'm assuming it's her neighbor and best friend Dorothy, an I Love Lucy kind of thing. I look out the window and saw Daddy walking on the sidewalk. Then, leaning against a pole, a young man about my age was looking at me. I waved to be friendly, he waved back. He was really cute, he had shaggy curly black hair, wearing a leather jacket with a denim one underneath. I walked back to Mum who just hung up.

"That was Dorothy, she said she saw a man outside, last night and this morning."

"I just saw him, I looked out the window, he is so cute."

"Audrey, he might be a tramp or a burglar."

She looked out the window, he looked at her and smirked, he started walking.

"He's coming this way," Mum said.

Mum picked up the phone and started to dial, then, our doorbell rang. She hung up.

"Hide Audrey, hide in the kitchen."

I walked to the kitchen.

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