Into the Lagoon

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Lagoon- a shallow body of water, as a pond or a lake, usually connected to the sea.

     From the moment I saw him, I was enchanted by him. His gentle presence as like that of the ocean. It's was vast and drew me in, in a very gentle way, with every step that I took, I longed to see more, to know more, to know what lied at it's depths. People of all sorts were happy when with him, his kind and gentle nature gave a sense of safety.

     His blonde hair was as gold as the soft sand on the beach, soft and pleasing to the eye. His skin soft and a perfect peachy color, accented with a playful pink across his cheeks, decorated with freckles the way shells decorate the shore. But the most magnificent of them all, were his eyes. His ocean eyes.

     A happy blue that drew one in. A deep sapphire blue hidden upon the light, left me wanting to know more, longing to travel into it's depths until I found the treasure that was his heart, all the while being seduced by the turquoise hues that were his true feelings. Left breathless by the beauty of his eyes, I was left gasping for air on my knees only to get air breathed back into my lungs by the same eyes who took it.

     Before I knew what hit me I was standing in a lagoon, being swept out to sea with only him for miles on end. I was trapped in his hands with no hope or needs of leaving anytime soon.

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