Dragged Out to Sea

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     Days turned to weeks and weeks to months. Slowly I began discovering things about him and his background. Inch by inch we grew closer to one another, growing more and more fond of the other. Eye contact became more common, smiles and laughs became more frequently exchanged  and conversation became easier.

    The more he emerged from his shell the closer I got to what lied in his depths. As time progressed, I began to sink deeper into a watery euphoria with him. Pretty soon all my thoughts revolved around and came back to him, and I began to wonder if his did the same.

    He became more and more social and more and more open towards me. I willingly put my hand for him to hold, hesitant to take it at first, he slowly began to take it. We exchanged numbers and talked daily. More familiar names would roll off our tongues, our faces would light at the sight of the other and happiness and reassurance followed the footsteps be of the other, until I was almost definite that our fate was set in stone.

     But little did I know that I had begun to pull him into an ocean of my own.

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