The New World

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Abel groaned and opened his eyes. No one decided to care because he didn't get a concussion. He got up and looked over the railing. He felt a grin creep on his face. Here they are. The new world. He walked off the ship and looked around. "Perfect." He muttered. He ended up going off to explore. He was excited about this. Knowing his brother, he already left. Then he happened upon a waterfall. It was so beautiful. Suddenly he was pulled into the waterfall. "Hey..." Suddenly a hand was slapped over his mouth. He looked over to his captor, only to see John with a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. John took his hand back and aimed his musket and cocked it. Abel pulled out his pistol, just in case whatever is out there is dangerous. John blew on the fuse so the light would go down. When the figure passed by, they both jumped out. John was aiming but Abel had his pistol pointed to the air. The figure turned to them. Abel couldn't clearly see through the fog. All he knew was that it was human. Then he saw it. Long flowing black hair and a dress. It was a woman. Abel put his pistol in its holster and put his hand on his brother's rifle. He pushed the rifle down. "We won't hurt you." Abel assured the woman. Then the fog died out from in front of her. Abel felt his breath catch in his throat. She was the epitome of beauty. Long flowing black hair, beautiful dark skin. And the most beautiful Brown eyes he has seen. John put his rifle on the rock. Abel stepped in the water slowly and started to slowly move towards her. The woman leaned back. Then jumped away. "No, wait." Abel pleaded. "Please, stop." But she kept running. Abel started running after her alongside his brother. They caught her getting in a boat and going down the river. She stopped before she left. She looked at the two as they stopped by a tree at the top of a hill. "Don't run off." John begged. "Please. I just want to talk." Abel told her. She looked at him cautiously. Abel slowly walked down the hill toward her boat. "Please. I just want to know about your culture. I want to talk." He told her. He got down to her. "Here. Let's get you up." Abel said smirking. She said something. But it was in a different tongue. "Interesting. You can't understand us, huh?" Abel asked. She looked at Abel's hand cautiously. "Don't worry. I'm friendly." Abel told her with a smile. She stroked the right side of her hair with a shy smile. Abel's smile got even bigger. She reached her hand out and grabbed it tentatively. He wrapped his fingers around hers. The leaves flowed around both of their hands like it was telling them something. Abel gently pulled her boat ashore by her hand and pulled her out. He stepped back as she stepped on shore. A hummingbird got mad and tried to attack Abel but got held back by the tail feathers by a smirking raccoon. Both humans dropped their hand at the same time as they stared at each other. John just leaned against the tree with a smile. He can see how his brother looks at the woman. Pure unadulterated adoration. "Who are you?" Abel asked, still smiling. The woman closed her eyes. She opened them and smiled. "Pocahontas." She said. "What?" Abel asked. "My name is Pocahontas." The woman, now known as Pocahontas, repeated. "Abel Smith." Abel said, touching his chest. He pointed to his brother. "My brother John." Pocahontas smiled. "John, go back to camp without me." There was no answer. He looked back to his brother. John was already gone. He turned back to Pocahontas. "I want to know about how your people live." Abel told her. Pocahontas smiled and nodded.

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