A Car Ride with Happy

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Happy was not happy.

Although this is normally common knowledge, Happy was especially unhappy at the momemnt.

Why, you ask?

Because he was in charge of driving Peter and Shuri to the training center upstate, about three hours away.

Don't get me wrong, there was a special place in his heart for that Peter Parker kid, but Happy knew thst the ride would be filled with yelling and screaming and memes (whatever those were) and many other things he didn't understand.

Boy, was Happy right.

He'd been around Shuri, and he absolutely did not understand anything she was talking about. And it's not like she was talking science. Happy knows what science talk sounds like, but this wasn't it. This was the language of teenagers.

Those f*cking teenagers.

The worst part was, the glass barrier between the front seat and the back seat was jammed.

Even though it's not like the kids wouldn't find a way to get it open anyways.

Needless to say, Happy wasn't excited for this trip.

Nor was he excited when Shuri and Peter approached the vehicle, already yelling things like "GET TO THE CHOPPER!" even though there were no helicopters in sight, making Happy more confused.

When the teens got to the car, they yelled an enthusiastic "HI HAPPY!" Happy said "Hi," although a lot less enthusiastically.

Peter and Shuri started chatting quietly, something Happy was relieved to see. However, this didn't last long.

"Happy?" Peter asked. "Where's your magic window?"

"Broken," Happy mumbled.

Shuri and Peter shared an excited look as they proceeded to talk to Happy about what sciencey stuff they were doing, Happy not understanding any of it but adding the occasional "yeah" and "uh huh" and "sounds cool" to feign understanding and interest.

Eventually they went back to English and asked Happy if he wanted to see, which he understood. "Yeah, sure," he replied.

Oh, what a mistake that was.

Shuri and Peter pulled out homemade lightsabers in the backseat of the car. They flipped them on and they lit up and began to buzz. The teens began to fight with the lightsabers.

Happy's eyes widened as he took in the situation unfolding in the back of the car. "HEY, HEY, HEY! NO FANCY LIGHT SWORDS IN MY CAR!"

"But, you said you wanted to see them!" Shuri protested.

"Yeah, I guess I did." Happy sighed. "Just put them away. You're gonna destroy my car."

"And they're lightsabers, Mr. Happy, sir," Peter added.

"Do I look like I care?" Happy said, looking back at them in the rearview mirror.

"Um, not really, Mr. Happy, sir, but you have to call it the right thing!" Peter said back.

"Okay, fine. Also, cut the 'Mr. Happy sir.' It's Happy." Happy had been trying to get the kid to just call him Happy for months. The "Mr." and "sir" made him feel old. He wasn't that old, right? Right?

"Okay, Mr. - sorry - Happy."

Happy muttered a string of curses under his breath as Shuri and Peter found something else to do.

The teens settled on looking outside the window to see if they recognized where they were. They had just gotten outside of Queens and were now driving on the freeway. Suddenly, Shuri saw a sign. "ROAD WORK AHEAD?" she read.

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