Part 2

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I guess the best place to start is the beginning.

Danny had been ill for the past few weeks and didn't seem to be getting any better. We were right in the middle of a tour though, and he refused to see a doctor until the tour was over. I guess even then he knew that whatever was wrong with him was serious. He knew that the doctor would probably tell him to cancel the tour. And, Danny hated doing that.

He would always say we'd let our fans down many times in the past, and he wasn't about to do it now to them. I was scared, terrified actually, but I let him do his thing. It was always easier just to let him be than to try and argue with him. You'd never win. He was as stubborn as they come.

The last day of the tour I told him we were flying home and he was going to the doctor. Somehow though, he managed to get me to agree to the next day. He wanted to hang out with the fellas that night. Wanted to drink and celebrate the end of an amazing tour. Which, okay, I understood that.

That tour had been one of our best. We'd sold out almost every show, and the crowd's just got better and better with every stop we made.

After the show, we all piled on the bus and headed to the house I shared with Danny. That was our party house. Mostly because our house was always stocked with alcohol. Especially when we left for tour, because we knew we'd want to come home and drink. Who would want to waste time stopping at the store? Especially after being on stage for an hour and a half.

The night started like any other. We headed to our house and as soon as we walked in, I headed to the kitchen to get everyone a beer.

We started drinking at 12:30 am and by 3:00 we were all wasted. Which, wasn't out of the ordinary.

We all ended up passing out in the living room, which also wasn't out of the ordinary. I can't tell you the number of times we passed out in our living room.

We woke up late the next day.  No surprise. It was around 2 when my eyes finally opened and I came back to the world.

Everyone was still asleep. Everyone except Danny.

It wasn't like him to get up without me. Usually he'd wake up and if I was still asleep he'd either stay in bed until I woke up, or he'd wake me up.

I was a little worried from the beginning,  but figured maybe he'd went to the bathroom and he'd be right back.

He wasn't in the bathroom. And he didn't come right back.

I got up and searched through the house. He wasn't there. I checked outside and his car was nowhere to be found.

This too was unlike Danny. He'd never leave without me, or at least without leaving me some sort of note.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call him.

He didn't answer the first time I called, and that only added to my fears.

What if he'd been in a horrible wreck? Maybe he was lying unconscious in a ditch somewhere.

After calling a few times, Danny finally answered. "Hello?" He said, his voice breathy.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked.

"I'll be home in a few minutes and I'll explain. Okay?" He asked.

I could tell by the sound of his voice something wasn't right. I also had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Alright....Hey, Danny? I love you"

Danny sighed softly "I love you too, baby. I'll see you soon." He said before he hung up the phone.

I sighed and sat my phone on the coffee table in front of me. He sounded off. Like something was bothering him.

I grabbed my cigarettes out of my pocket and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed me a Mountain Dew.

I pulled a chair out from under the table, taking a seat.

Have you ever been so worried you feel sick to your stomach?

I have.

There were a million things running through my head right now. So many different scenarios.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see James joining me at the table.

"Give me a smoke?" He asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

I tossed him my pack, taking in a deep breath.

"Everything okay, mate?" He asked.

I shrugged as I looked at the drummer. "I honestly don't know, James. I woke up this morning and Danny was gone. No note, nothing. I called him. He said he would be home soon." I shook my head. "I've just got a bad feeling about this."

James lit his cigarette, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

I heard a car outside, and knew immediately it was Danny when I heard him lock the doors.

He walked inside and came into the kitchen where James and I were currently sitting.

"Sup bro." He said when he saw James sitting with me.

"Do I need to step out and let you two talk?" He questioned.

Danny shook his head. "No, you need to hear this too." He said, pulling a chair out and taking a seat next to me.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. I probably would have stopped him before he had the chance to tell me his news.

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