ojiro x reader

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This will be my first x reader! I haven't watched a lot of the seasons yet but I know the basics. So please don't be harsh if I mess something up.

Readers pov~

Class 1-A! I never thought I would get into there! With my quirk, I can spit out lava, it's very neat but to think it would make it into 1-A is amazing! Staring up at the UA building, I clench my journal. My first step into a new life!
"OUCH! "
Someone bumped into me, causing me to react by pushing back against them. A boy laid on the ground, rubbing his, hopefully not, bruised head. "Oh my god! I am SO sorry!! " I quickly jump over to help the blonde man up. Taking my hand, I pull him up and he bows down. "It's okay. Nice reflexes. I didn't mean to startle you, I was reading." He picks up his slightly dirty book, dusting it off. It wasn't long before I noticed his tail, a smile coming to my lips. "Wow! I've never seen anyone with a tail! That must be fun!" I smile, not realizing the male was quite flattered. "Thank you, I'm Ojiro Mashirao!" He softly bows again. I smile "ah! I'm (l/n) (f/n)! It's nice to meet you! " Bowing down as well, I glance at the time. "Oh! We should probably get going! We don't need to be late on our first day! " Smiling wide, I start to head over to the door. Noticing the blonde boy following not too far behind.

Ojiro pov~

'Wow she is really cute... I wonder what her quirk is. I should probably ask' struggling to catch up to her, I softly tap her shoulder. "May I ask, what is your quirk? " It wasn't really obvious like some of the other kids. My heart skipped a beat when she looked into my eyes. "Oh sorry! I can spit out lava! And change the temperature of it! I still need to train to use it better sadly. " (L/n)  seemed to be pretty confident, I liked that. "That's very cool. No wonder you got in. " I smiled, not really realizing it until she smiled back. "Not very cute sadly! Like your tail! It looks so soft on the tip! " She gave a wide smile, making my face heat up.

Readers pov~

Seeing ojiro blush was really cute, my heart fluttering when he smiled. I've never felt this way about anyone before. "Well... You can always touch it to see. " He mumbled, I almost didn't catch it. "Oh why thank you! I'll see once we get into class! " Man that's really cute! Crap I'm gonna be late!


Once we both made it to class with time to spare, there was yelling, well scolding, from a blue haired man. Hmm. He seemed weird. "Ojiro! Do you know anyone here? " I ask, wanting to maybe meet someone else so I could make friends. "No sorry" He didn't seem to make friends too easily, even though he was a natural at being nice. Glancing over at some random person to pick, I notice the teacher walking in. Oh boy.

~skip to outside~

Ojiro pov~

This girl. Wow. She doesn't realize but I can't keep my eyes off her. Her shining (h/c) hair, her pretty (e/c) eyes! Her voice. It made me feel tingly. I don't know why or how she is doing this. But I definitely want to hang out with her more. (L/n) was getting ready to throw. she took her stance, eyes serious. So pretty. Throwing the ball, quickly she spits out her lava, propelling the ball to go faster. Not too bad, she got a pretty good score. Not being last so she didn't have to worry about being expelled. I tense up when I see (l/n)  coming over, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Wow! That was fun!" A small giggle comes out of her plump lips. I stare for a bit before coming back to my senses. "Ah yes. I'm proud of you. You didn't seem to struggle on any of the tests we did. " A small smile forced it's way to my lips. Another huge smile from (l/n),  "Yeah! I knew my quirk wouldn't have done much running wise and strength so, I trained with my mom for years! It really did pay off. " Aizawa started to speak before I could answer, making us both turn towards him.

~time skip to after school~

Readers pov~

Ojiro seemed to have taken quite a shine to me, following me close, sitting with me at lunch and even asking for my number. I didn't mind at all. It was quite sweet. Plus he gave me lots of attention I didn't know I was missing. As we both walked towards my house, he insisted on walking me there. My house was by a bad neighborhood, and he said-and I quote- "I wouldn't be a hero if I didn't look out for my friends." I kind of assumed he just wanted to walk with me. Ojiro broke the calm silence and my thoughts "you shouldn't live around here. it's very dangerous. Lots of villains hang around here. And I would hate to see you get hurt." He was very honest, it was a quality I loved in people. "Yeah, but my family doesn't have much money, so we have to. I'll be okay though! I am going to be a hero too!" I smile wide and bumped shoulders with him, causing ojiro to softly chuckle. "Yeah I guess so, what does your parents do? " I noticed a small blush on his cheeks. Cute. I glance at the floor and kick a rock "well, my mom stays at home and my dad is a pro hero! Uhm, kind of. He quit those days and that's why we don't have much money anymore. it's okay though! Don't worry yourself about it! He is a nice man" I softly let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and see my house coming into view. "What was his name? " He asks softly, gaining my attention again. "Boiler. He can boil liquids into really high temperatures and manipulate the water. " I shrug, im not that proud of my father, since he gave up. I love him all the same though. "I've never heard of him. That's fascinating though" He stops in front of my house and I go up to the door. "It was nice to meet you! I hope we can do this more often!" Again, I smile widely and bow down. He does the same and gives a soft smile "I hope so too. You're very charming. Have a nice day (l/n)! " Quickly he walked away. A blush on my face started to form, causing me to look down and smile. Wow. That was really cute. I'd love to talk to him more.

Part two?

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