Studio 60's Newest Comedian

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     Studio 60 on the sunset strip. I have been watching this show since I was a little girl.

     Now as I stood in front of the building I didn't know what to do. It was my first day on the job. I was going to be a comedian on the show. I was going to work with Simon Styles and Tom Jeeter and Harriet Hayes. The big three.

      I walked into the building and the guard at the front desk called me over. "Right your first and last name here." He said and pointed to the paper. "I'm on of the actors. I'm Bella. Hi nice to meet you." I held out my hand for him to shake. "Well then. Nice to meet you Bella. You must be the one Danny and Matt are waiting for." He smiled. "You can go right up those stairs and when you get to the top Matt's office is to the left." He pointed up the stairs. "Thank you sir." I said to him right before dashing up the stairs.

     When I made it to the top I was completely lost. I grabbed the first person I could find. "Hi I'm new can you please tell me where Matt's office is?" I asked her. She looked familiar. "Yeah sure. I'm headed that way anyway. Hi I'm Harriet." She held out her hand. "Bella." She showed me the way to mats office while I was completely dumbfounded.

     When we walked through the doors Harriet turned from the nice woman I just met to a screaming mess. "You are a two faced son of a bitch!" She yelled at Matt. The person I presumed to be Danny walked over to me. "You'll get used to this. I promise. Also hey I'm Danny and that's Matt." Matt leaned over Harriets shoulder and waved. I waved back.

      "Harriet can we talk outside." Matt said as he grabbed harriets arm and led her to the hallway. "I'm sorry for that. That's really normal here. Anyways. Welcome to studio 60 on the sunset strip." He paused and did a hand gesture when he motioned to the entire building. "In this place we are all family and family looks out for one another. Now since we only have so many dressing rooms and to many people you and Miss.Hayes our there will have to share for a while. I hope that's okay." He said as Harriet looked in and waved as if she had heard Danny scream. "It's okay. I am just thankful for this opportunity." I said to him. "Don't do the thankful thing. It makes you less funny also I had to tell about six other people this. Don't apologize for everything." He said rubbing his almost bald head.

He gesture for us to leave the office. "Harriet leave Matt alone and come show Bella to the dressing rooms." Danny said. "We're not done with this conversation Matt." Harriet said as she walked away. She linked arms with me and we walked down the stairs. "Boyfriend?" I asked her. "Not anymore no." You stopped walking and gave her a curious look. "Not anymore? What happened?" You asked her. "He is a condescending bitch with a head of cabbage." She said huffing. I just laughed. "Yeah he tends to be absent minded about everything." I said not even realizing what I had said. "Wait back up. You said it like you know him." Harriet said grabbing my arm when I tried to walk away. "Don't tell anyone, but Matt is my stepbrother." I flinched waiting for a response. "That's coolio. Your not as screwed up as he is right?" She asked. "Hell no. If anything I'm cooler." I said laughing and soon Harriet joined me.

"We should probably go to the dressing rooms." I said to her because I literally had no idea where we were and standing there was confusing me. "Oh shit. Yes we should. I don't know if Danny told you anything but we share one because of the limited space in the theater." She said as we walked down a flight of stairs. "Right here is our dressing room. My name is on this door and right over here on the other door is your name!" She said pointing. I kind of just stood in awe. My name was really on a door like this. "This is awesome!" I exclaimed to Harriet. She dragged me into the room and shut the doors. "Okay I have to change and are you staying in that dress all day? Because I really recommend putting on jeans or leggings or something." She said. "I didn't bring any clothes." I said to her. "Here." She threw me a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. "Thanks." I got undressed and put on the clothes that she had handed me.

"Damn those jeans make your ass look nice." She said slapping my ass playfully. "I know right." I said laughing. I was used to people slapping my ass playfully. Which sounds weird but I promise it isn't. I am gay I like girls so yeah. "Do we have to be on the stage or something soon?" I asked Harriet. "No we need to get you a script or your sketches." She said looking through papers. "Ah! Here it is." She handed me a packet of papers. "All of your lines are highlighted. Also we are doing a sketch together!" She said very happy.

As I read through the script I didn't even realize that I was making notes and edits to it. Well until I was in front of Matt's office. "Hi Matty. I made some changes to my lines." You said handing him the paper. "These are great. Keep them." He said handing back the script. "Really?" I asked him. "Yeah. I should have hired you as a writer not an actor." He laughed so did I. "Also I have a request. Don't be such an ass head to Harriet. She's a good woman. Don't hurt her anymore. It's a good change to hear her side of the story versus your again." I said pointing at him with my script as I left him office. I heard him sigh and I laughed.

I basically ran back down to the dressing room. Stopping in the kitchen first to grab and apple then going back into my room and shutting the door. I pulled out my laptop and started writing. I was writing a sketch for Matty. "Hey Bella. They need you up on stage. They want to go over your lines in sketch 7." A stage runner said to me. I closed my laptop and put it on the couch. I ran up the stairs to the stages. "Sorry I'm here." I yelled at I fumbled onto the stage. "Good. Harriet and Bella run through your lines. I will be back in a few minutes. Matt need to talk. "Oh Matty! Get a life!" I yelled he was standing on the landing watching. I smiled when he flipped me off. "Matty huh?" Harriet asked walking over to me. "I love calling him that because he hates it." I laughed and so did Harriet.

We ran through our lines and I only forgot two of them which apparently is really good for my first time. But I went up to Harriet after the scene. "Do you maybe want to go get a drink with me after this?" I asked her. "Yeah definitely." She said smiling. "Okay there is a little bar called the @ bar a few blocks down the street." I said playing with her hair because there was a fuzzy in it. "Okay. Cool. Um also you can keep those clothes. Your going to need something here." She said grabbing her water and script and walking towards the stairs. "Ah thx love. Anyway. Your done at 8 right?" I asked her. "Yeah and your come at the same?" She asked me. "Yup. Okay meet me at the front at 8:30." I said to her as I ran back up the stairs because I needed to talk to Danny.

     "Hey Danny?" I called as he walked out of his office. "God it took me forever to find your fucking office." I said grabbing the wall because I literally ran around the whole building. "Danny. We need to talk." I said running after him. "There isn't anything to talk about." He said. I sighed. "Yes there is. You know there is." I said still trying to catch up to him. "What is it then?" He said. "Me and Matt being brother and sister. That isn't going to be a problem. Right?" I asked him. "Not unless you make it one. Are we done yet?" He said stopping. I ran past him turned around and went to stand in front of him. "What does that mean?" I asked him. "It means don't make it a problem or Matt will get fried or I will get fried or you will get fired. Understand?" He said. "Yeah I understand. Sorry." I ran back down the stairs and to my dressing room. "Bella!" He called I ignored him. I slammed my dressing room door and sat on the couch.

      "Damn could that have gone any worse." I said to myself. I pulled my hair back and rubbed my face. "Fuck!" I yelled. "Yo what's going on?" Harriet said walking into the room. "I could get Matt and Danny fires for being Matt's sister even though Danny hired me and this whole thing is screwy." I said getting up and pacing. "Okay what. Danny hired you but if the higher ups find out about Matt being your brother and it starts affecting things you could get fired or Matt and Danny could get fired." You shook your head and threw down your hands. "Yeah!" I looked at Harriet. "Okay you need to calm down." Harriet said waking over to me and rubbing my arms. "Everything is going to be okay just be yourself minus the whole Matt thing." She laughed. I looked directly into her eyes. I wasn't thinking and I kissed her.

The new comedian at studio 60  Harriet hayes x oc Where stories live. Discover now