It's always been you// ETHAN DOLAN x Grayson

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"Ethan!" I yelled, pounding on the door of his apartment. My heart was racing with fear every second that ticked by without him answering. I pounded my fist against the door again. "Ethan, please I know you're in there, open up. Grayson called me and he's really worried about you." I pressed my ear against the door to see if I could hear anything, but all I heard was dead silence.

I raised my fist up again to knock, when the door swung open to reveal Ethan. My heart broke into a million pieces when my eyes landed on him. Tears were pooling in his eyes and I could see the pain he was in so clearly written across his face. I had never seen him cry before, and it was making me want to burst into tears right along with him.

I immediately stepped into his apartment and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't move immediately, just stood there as I awkwardly clung to him. "Ethan, I'm so sorry..."

"Y/N, I don't want to talk about it," he said and stepped back to break our awkward embrace.

"That's okay, we don't have to talk about it, but I'm not going anywhere," I stated.

He huffed, but didn't say a word. He turned away from me and walked over to the couch, where he collapsed on it face first. I followed him and took a seat near his had and started running my hands through his hair because I knew that always soothed him. Ethan was my best friend in the entire world and it physically hurt me to see him in this much pain.

"I know I said we don't have to talk about it," I started and he immediately groaned. "and you don't have to say a word, okay? But I need you to know that I love you, and I'm here for you and I think that Quinn is the dumbest girl in the entire world for cheating on you. I always assumed her IQ was below average with the amount of perfume she wore, you know that had to have been killing brain cells, but the fact that she would cheat on someone as wonderful as you proves she's an idiot." I wanted each and every word that came out of my mouth to heal him and take away all his anguish, but realistically I knew he was probably barely listening.

"Are you done?" he asked, his voice was muffled from where it was pressed against the cushion of the couch. I opened my mouth to speak, but even though he couldn't see me, it was as if could sense it and cut me off before I could even say anything. "You're done. I don't want to talk about it."

"So, what do you want to do?" I tentatively asked.

He sighed and took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "I want to lay here and never move or think again." I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"Well as fun an interesting as that sounds, I have a better idea." I stood up and walked into his kitchen and immediately began opening all the cabinets until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the bottle of tequila and two shot glasses and walked back over to Ethan. I set the stuff down on the coffee table and Ethan's eyebrow shot up in question. "What?" I said, "This is a classic breakup cure. Like, did you even break up with somebody if you don't get rip roaring drunk and cry about it all night?"

"I don't cry," he mumbled even though his eyes were still glossy with tears.

I patted his arm. "Okay, buddy, whatever you say. Are you going to drink with me or not? You know I hate drinking alone." I sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table and started to pour the liquor into the shot glasses.

Ethan moved and took a seat on the floor next to me. "You're a terrible influence," he said. I just looked over at him and smiled. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the shot, throwing it back without a second thought.

Shot after shot later we were both feeling the effects of the alcohol at this point. Ethan more so than me, considering he was throwing them back like his life depended on it. "And you know what the worst part is?" he slurred, "I just dropped 400 dollars for tickets to go see that stupid concert of that stupid band she likes!"

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