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Things between Hailey and I started to get a bit strange. We promised each other we wouldn't tell anyone, but her and I were secretly friends with benefits. By the time that started however, Selena and I were on our usual break again.  The only thing Hailey and I agreed on was absolutely NO SEX and absolutely NO catching feelings. Being friends with benefits meant we were allowed to do things with other people and well, ladies love me... why not date around.

"So" I say, rolling my eyes.

Hailey and I had gotten into an argument over some guy she was talking to. I wasn't jealous or anything but she's my best friend so the site of her flirting or even doing anything with anyone else turned my stomach.

"So... you said we could talk to other people why are you getting sooooooo mad at me?" She says letting out a deep sigh

"I'm not mad at you, I just think that guys a loser" I smile "you deserve better"

"Carrot you've said that about everyone" she laughs

"Okay let's change the convo.. can I get a kiss?" I say puckering my lips toward her

"just one" she says

Just one turned into just one more and just before we knew it, we were kissing for what felt like eternity. A good type of eternity. I didn't want to stop kissing her... but she always knew exactly when to pull away.

"I think this is where we should stop" she looks straight into my eyes "unless.." she clears her throat

"Unless what?" I say looking back at her

"Unless you want to continue..." she says with a cute little smile

"only if you do" I lean in "only if you do" our lips touch "but if you don't" I pull away "I completely understand" I say

"Come here" she says pulling me by my shirt our lips meeting again. I pray and hope she can't feel me smile as we kiss because I don't want her to think I like her or anything. We're just friends. Nothing more. Friend who kiss each other a lot.
"I'm hanging out with Chantel later" I say.

We were sitting on the couch, in my living room, watching a movie. We had made out for so long I wondered if her lips hurt as much as mine did. I also left a few hickeys on her neck, but that was because she left me some.

"oh have fun.. do you want me to leave?" She says

"No... Hailey I'm just saying" I scoff "why would I ask you to leave?"

"I don't know but if you want me to leave so that you could get ready for your da- " she says but I quickly cut her off

"Don't say date... it's not a date" I roll my eyes

"So then what is it?" she scoffs "booty call?"

"no. We just hanging she's my peoples" I respond

"Every Girl is your People. Chantel, Yovanna, the girl I met last week, oh the one at Kendall's house, the one w- " again she starts but I cut her off

"Okay.. all those girls are just my friends" I smirk "yeah we do stuff here and there but it doesn't mean  nothing. Like what we do" shit. Did I just say that?

"True" She says getting up " I gotta go Kendall actually wants to meet up"

"okay. I'll walk you out" I say standing up heading toward the front door.

"Have fun on your date with Chantel" she laughs opening the front door.

"it's not a date" I yell back as the front door slams on my face.

She left. She didn't even give me goodbye hug, or a goodbye kiss, didn't even say "bye Justin" nothing. She just walked out and left me there waiting for something I didn't get.
Three days had passed and Hailey and I hadn't seen each other at all. We texted and called and FaceTimed but that was all. I really missed her.

"Hey Hailey, I'm calling to see if you want to hit the studio with me today" I say

"Sounds fun. Okay, I'll come. Will you pick me up or are we meeting somewhere?" She responds

"I'll pick you up at 8pm"
Hailey and I had already been at the studio for an hour and my session was soon coming to an end. So I decided to show her a new song I was working on.

"I have one more to work on before we go hails" I say
"Okay, no worries. I like hearing you sing"
I start to sing again...

Subjected to my system
Reflecting on the days
When we used to be just friends
Protected both our interest
Our trust was in a bank
That's where our hearts were safe

And then we got closer
Separated from my ex
So we got closer
Oh, in every visit
Feelings got stronger
Now this is out our hands
Our love is here to stay

"What did you think of that song?" I asked

"umm.. it was nice I liked it" she smiles "it reminds me of... never- never mind" she stutters

"Who does it remind you of ?" I ask stepping closer to her. I knew exactly who it reminded her of because if it reminded her of who I think she's thinking then that's exactly who it's for.

"It reminds me of ... it reminds of... It's a couple from a movie, I don't think you've ever seen" she says

I guess it didn't remind her of us. I mean Hailey and I are only friends so I don't know why I see this song as something that reminds me of us. When her and I first met I don't think we ever imagined us as friends with benefits. I lo- like kissing Hailey and hanging out with her, but maybe we should stop that completely. I don't want her to think I like her or anything... because i really don't. We are just friends.

Here's the latest chapter of my story "The 7th Letter". I hope you all enjoyed chapter 5. Please let me know if I shall continue. If you are losing interest, let me know so I can stop writing.


The 7th Letter : A Jailey story Where stories live. Discover now