chapter 2

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Hey ! so i was just wondering do you guys mind me changing p.o.v all the time or would you prefere one p.o.v a chapter or something please let me know because i don't want anyone getting confused ok that is all haha :)


"Niall, early i see you must have been keen to see me again. Don't worry the feeling is mutual"

i hear him from behind me and goosebumps form all over my body,and definatly not the good kind of goosebumps.

i turn my head round to face him and watch how his eyes darken and within a second he is lunging towards me wrapping his ugly hands around my bicep

" I see you have been working out" he replies smugly "makes you even hotter, i didn't even know that was possible babe."

"Don't call me that" i say gritting my teeth causing some birds to fly up into the air

unfortunatly for me as it is only early morning no one seems to have payed a visit to the abandoned warehouse. I wonder why.

Before i can register what is happening john has put something around my mouth and nose making me feel sleepy, as he does so a bit of my favourite top rips on a tree.

I thought I could at least get to wherever John is taking me before any ripping of my shirts happen,

Harry's pov

i roll over and smile to myself i just had the most amazing dream me and Niall got married and adopted a little girl it was perfect. it was safe to say i was in a very good mood.

i open my eyes and look to my right expecting to see a blonde mop of hair but instead finding nothing, of course curiosity takes over and i jump out of bed.. not literally because really who has energy at ..... erm wait let me check my phone. 7'oclock in the morning.

7'oclock in the bloody moning. Fantastic

i skip downstairs and notice that Nialls shoes were gone , probably a morning run or something i think to myself.

something seemed odd though,

like something bad was about to happen,

something real bad.

Liams p.ov

The birds cheeping outside is what wakes me from my slumber, the sun streaming in through the curtains bring a smile to my face, I look at my phone and decide to make everyone breakfast.

As i sit up in bed and kick the duvet of me i notice a white papered scroll lying on the floor. I lean down and take the elastic band of it, i put the letter out in front of me and hold it at each end making sure it doesn't ping back into it's ravelled state. I recognise the writing as Niall's .... strange

Dear Liam,

                 i don't really know where to begin. Lets just say i'm going to miss you ... more than you can imagine. I know what your thinking, what has he done this time ? or we will get through this together but in all honesty i have to do this alone. Just me noone else and i hope you can understand why. Do you rememeber when i was going to go out with kat after the concert? Well i guess it started then.I am still confused about this but it really doesn't matter now. I don't think kat is invoved although she apologised alot. As you know john is back and he would do anything to get me even kill my friends you!,Zayn!,Louis! and Hazz. And that is why i have done this to keep you safe. I couldn't go through day after day scared if John would attack. I got a message from him saying to meet him in a location at a certain time this morning otherwise he would kill you all and he wouldn't stop there he would kill each person close to me one by one until i have no-one left or i have given myself in. And that is exactly what i did. I am going to miss your positive attitude though i think that is one thing that will help me get through my time with john., whenever something bad happens i would remember your positivity and it will make me feel better so thankyou for that liam. It's been 2 years since we got put together as you know and they have been the best times of my life minus the john thing of course. We have grown up together and i couldn't think of four better boys to share my dream with. Anyway my hand is really aching so i think this is all i willl write but thankyou for being there for me Liam. I love you brother. a million hugs 

From Niall xxx




Dear Zayn 

                  When your reading this i wont be here which is a really strange and scary thought. The reason i won't be here is because i will be with John. I don't want to write the whole scenario again so just look at Liam's letter yeah?. Anyway i am going to miss you bro!! although we have drifted apart recently i still love ya man. You can make me smile anytime and i wish you and pez the best ! i wish i could  come to your wedding( which is bound to happen)  but i will be thinking of you definatly !! I know some of your deepest secrets which i will take with me to my grave. I promise. And when i'm with John i will think of you to make me smile. I know that you will be crying now because your so bad at keeping your feelings  in when your alone but even though i'm not with you, i'm still with you if that makes any sence whatsoever. Don't think of it like i have gone forever think of it like i have gone on a really long holiday! and i will be having loads of fun and when i come back i will make sure to ruffle your hair so you get mad at me but you won't really be mad at me cos you have missed me!. I hope you can do that for me and i hope you don't think i'm being selfish in anyway because i am trying to do whats best ir eally really really hope you understand that ........ anywayyy bigg hugs from me save me some nandos !!

love Ni x


Dearest lou lou

                        god this is going to be some hard letter to write for my bestest friend in the entire world! i think i'm starting to cry already. You know how bad i am at goodbyes don't you, thats why i am not counting this as a goodbye i'm counting it more as a see you soon, Even though i probably won't which is a horrible thought i know. We have been on one big journey haven't we Lou bear. And you were one of the best things that happened to me and only now i realise how much i took having the bestest best friend ever for granted. It really is true what they say isn't it you don't realise how special someone is until they are gone. But you know what they say if you love someone let them go. And thats what i need to do for you and you need to do for me. Don't tell the others but i'm probably going to miss you the most. Your stupid jokes your cuddles at night and even just looking at you ( don't worry i haven't devoloped feeling for ya) and seriously when i am with John your sass will deffinatly come into play i ain't taking no shit i promise. And say i was ever upset i would be sure to think of you and a smile would be brought to my face instantly. Cos you light up my world like nobody else .... ok sorry that was cringey and i am crying now and if you are why !! because i am not worth crying for i am just trying to help my friends and if that means doing something i don't want to do then bring it on!! I know you are thinking of all the negatives right now but i have tried to miss out on that stuff so we can think of all the postives ..


but i am scared and nothing will change that so you have to believe in me like i believe in you.


i love you so much man

your favourite irish man :) x

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