Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." ~ Maria Robinson

Dancing on tables can be fun. It ignites the childish humor in our bodies. The act puts smiles on everybody's faces as the songs play on. Dancing on tables sends a message to adults that we are bigger, stronger, and powerful. When you are merely a seventeen year old in high school, the same amount of fun doesn't change.

Except when you're in class. Cooking class. Mrs Malley's cooking class. The one class you can't screw around in. Although it's only cooking, Mrs. Malley takes a lot of pride in making sure we know the basic cooking skills before we are off into the real world. So dancing on tables? Not the class's best day.

Mrs. Malley walked in the room wearing her usual button up blouse, today's color is green, with black dress pants and an apron tied around her waist. A girl was walking in behind her, holding the new issued Culinary Arts book in her hands that must have been given to her prior. Mrs. Malley started to speak, and as soon as she did, we froze. "I want your books open to the beginning of chap-" She paused and scanned the room in shock at what she saw. It took a moment before she spoke again . . . well yelled. "What in the name of creation itself is going on in my classroom?!"

We jumped off the tables, music still playing, and hustled to our seats. "Hey Malley, we were just having' some fun." We all turned our heads to the one and only, Mike Ballmer. The weirdest, and loudest kid I've ever met. Mike seems to have a problem where he can't keep his mouth shut, especially with the amount of trouble we were all in.

"Yes, Ballmer, I can see that. If I see so much as a dirt speck on my tables, you are all getting Friday detention." Only Friday detention? I expected something worse, given she has extreme OCD. "But, I don't want to scare off our new student, Miss Victoria, so I'll let this little "party" go for now." Victoria. I watched the girl come out from behind Mrs. Malley in full view.

Mike let out a whistle "Damn girl, come sit by me." He motioned to a desk next to him.

"Oh, Ballmer, shut up!" Cindy, who sits in front of me, yelled from across the room. Mike simply flipped her off and began looking at his phone.

Mrs. Malley began, "Victoria will sit where I assign her to sit, Ballmer." She led Victora to a seat next to Cindy.

Shit, I wish that hot piece of ass was sitting next to me, I could stare at her tits all I want.

I overheard Mike's thoughts. I'm not surprised that's the first thing he could think of. He's easily arroused.

Yay! I can make a new friend! I hope she likes me...

That would be Cindy. Cindy loves people and is pretty much friends with the entire school. There's nothing wrong with her. I actually consider Cindy and I to be decent friends. I know what she thinks, but she thinks like most girls do, so I have nothing to worry about with her.

Victoria made her way to the seat next to Cindy. I could tell Cindy was about to say "Hello!" In the most cheerful way possible, but Mrs. Malley spoke instead. "As I was saying at the beginning of the class, I want your books open to Chapter 5, page 450." The class and I groaned, but did as we were told.

The lecture went on and on about Restaurant Management, and I thought the class would never end. But luckily, as always, it did. The bell rang right when we were about to be assigned homework for the weekend.

These stupid kids, I wish they'd, for once, stay so they didn't have to get their homework on a Monday. AND MY DAMN TABLES HAVE DIRT ON THEM

So, I think it is safe to say, that Mrs. Malley is not in the best mood.

Cindy caught me in the halls on our way to fifth, last, period. "Hey, Liam! Do you want to hang out with us after school?" Us meaning her, Mike, Lisa, and . . . Victoria? How the hell did Cindy manage to woo her into becoming friends that fast?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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