More abouts Seth

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1) I love non-fictions , especially history .

2) I like to cook . Mostly savory dishes.

3) I only speak English which is a tad sad , wish I could have spent more time learning another language 

4) I can speak a bit of spanish , but not enough to be fluent . Hola 

5) I've been to most countries in Europe . I would like to travel a bit more though .

6) I've gots a problem with me mum and dad , we do not talk much . Especially my pops , he remarried and we have not spoken much since . 

7) I've been to America three times to visit my uncle

8) I like fishing

9) I enjoy playing soccer , although I must admit , I'm not superb at it

10) If I could be a professional soccer player , I would take the opportunity .

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