Chapter 4

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Dracos P.O.V
We reached the nursing room to see (Y/N) sitting on the side of the bed next to Neville. She looked like she was cheering him up which made me feel happy because she was, but also jealous that Nevilles getting all the attention. I told the boys to get lost whilst I go talk to her.

I approached (Y/N) to see her turn with a cute smile. This made my legs feel numb.

"Hey (Y/N)"
"Hey Draco, everything ok?"
"Yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to get to know eachother better in the common room? It is closing time for in here soon anyway."
"Sure, let's go. I'll see you tomorrow Neville." And with that, we were walking out of the door.

It was quiet through the corridors as all the students had gone to the hall. As we reached the common room, I let her walk through first. It's nice to actually have some alone time with her.

"Ok, what's your favourite colour?" I asked.
"Hmmm... I'd have to say (Y/F/C)" she replied.
"That's nice, I'm a really big fan of green."

After an hours of laughing, getting to know eachother better, telling eachother jokes, I wanted to ask her a serious question.

"I have a question" I said with a smirk on my lips.
"Haha I don't like that look but sure, ask away!"
"Ok, do you like anyone in Hogwarts?"

Your P.O.V
What do I say?! I can't say, 'I really like you because your the nicest guy I've ever met and you have a gorgeous face with Amazing eyes. You also have nice looking lips that I really want to kiss' can I! (Relatable)

"Uhh, I guess I do like someone." Nice going!
"Can you tell me abit about this person?"
"Uhhhh, they make me happy. They've helped me to realise what it's like to be apart of a family again."

Dracos P.O.V
Grrrr! she better not be talking about Weasley or especially Potter! They aren't good enough for her! If it is them, I'll kill them!

"What about you Draco?"
"Uh what?" Snapping back into reality.
"Do you like anyone in Hogwarts?"
"I do. I really like this girl. She makes me feel happiness, love and warmth inside of me. She helps me to know what a true friendship means. She's beautiful and smart. And I hope one day, I can tell her about how I feel." I couldn't help but get lost in her eyes. She's so beautiful.

"Awww that's so nice."

Next thing, everyone from our house had came in. They were all talking, not noticing us. I gave Goyle the sign to move everyone up to their rooms as he is a prefect. Soon everyone had gone.

"Well that was weird. Well I'm best off going to bed now" she said walking to the door.

"Wait!" Draco whispered loudly. You turned around to see the blonde figure now standing inches away from my face.

"Goodnight" he whispered, his eyes locked with yours. He slowly leaned in and pecked you on the lips. His lips were soft and warm. You wished it could carry on but he pulled away.

"I'm sorry" he whispered looking sad. He was about to walk away but you cuffed the side of his cheek. This made him turn back to face you confused.

"Please, don't say sorry" you replied. He slowly raised his hand and gently moved your hair out of the way of your face. He again leaned in and kissed you on the lips, you kissing him back. His arms wrapped around your waist, yours around his neck. After a minute, You both pulled away. You hugged him in which he returned.

"I really like you (Y/N)"
"I like you too Draco"
"So the kiss... does this mean you will be my girlfriend?"
"Hehe of course!"

You saw a smile light up across his face.

"You've made me the happiest boy alive tonight. I thought you liked Potter."
"Harry? He's just a friend of mine."
"Well that's good to here because from now on, your mine, ok?"
"Ok, but can we keep this a secret for now?" You asked.
"Sure" Draco replied.

It was really late now. You were really tired. You and Draco said your final goodnights to eachother before going to bed after a quick peck on the lips. The thoughts of what just happened repeated in your minds before you both drifted off to sleep with smiles on your faces.

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