Chapter 1 - Captured and Left Behind

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My P.O.V:

The snatchers were about to catch us. I saw my twin sister, Hermione Granger, send a spell towards Harry and I saw his face swell up. The snatchers then caught up with us. They bound us together then came and asked us what our names were. My sister said that she was Penelope Clearwater, Harry said his name was Vernon Dudley and that he was a Slytherin. It then came to me. Greyback came up close to me. "Hey Scabior, this one looks like that one that said her name was Penelope. I didn't think she had a twin sister. " Scabior came over and looked at me. "What is your name miss?" He asked me. His breath reeked. " name is Lily Clearwater." I stuttered. They then went over to Ron. His fake name ruined the whole mask of our real identities. He said he was Stan Shunpike. "We know Stan," Scabior said. Greyback then spoke. "Ok, so this means that this is Ronald Weasley. Which means that this is the mudblood Hermione Granger, this is her mudblood sister Sarah Granger, and that means, that, this is Harry Potter!" Greyback exclaimed. "We're taking this lot straight to Malfoy Manor." He said. We were then apparated to Malfoy Manor. I struggled fruitlessly against the ropes, but they dug into my skin and it stung so I stopped. I was right next to my sister. "It is going to be alright Sarah." My sister said. "I know Hermione," I replied. We both felt confident when with each other. That was until the worst person came. "BELLATRIX LESTRANGE!!!" I screamed. Hermione tried to keep me quiet, but to no avail, as I screamed before she could keep me quiet. "Bring them in," Bellatrix said without emotion. We were led up a very long path towards the manor with the snatchers dragging us along. When we reached the manor, we went into a large hall. Bellatrix took Harry and told Draco to see whether it was Harry or not. "What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked. "Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix ordered. "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest I suppose" One of the snatchers answered. One of the snatchers held me and my sister while another held Ron. Bellatrix came in front of my sister and me. "Cissy put the boys in the cellar!" Bellatrix ordered her sister. Bellatrix then went very close to my sister. "I want to have a conversation with this one. GIRL TO GIRL!" She spat at my sister. Narcissa then spoke. "What about her mudblood sister?" She asked. "I want her to stay and watch what will happen to Hermione here if she doesn't answer my questions. I also want to interrogate her as well and see if I can worm anything out of her." Bellatrix replied. Bellatrix then sent a cruel smirk my way. I tried to get out of Narcissa's grasp, but she held strong. Bellatrix must have had impeccable hearing because she then turned to me while still pinning Hermoine against the wall. "What is it mudblood?" She asked in a demanding tone. "TAKE ME INSTEAD YOU STUPID PUREBLOODED BITCH!!!"  I screamed. "Sarah NOOOO! Don't make her hurt you please Sarah! I want you to be safe!!!" Hermione exclaimed. "Shut up you stupid mudblood while I ask the other stupid mudblood who happens to be your sister, what she just said to me," Bellatrix said as she slapped my twin sister hard across the face. "What did you say you stupid mudblood?"' Bellatrix whispered in a dangerous voice. "I... I... I d... d... didn't s... s... say a... a... any... any... anything." I stuttered. "Don't' worry yourself mudblood, if your sister doesn't reveal anything, then I will start on you." She said while laughing silently. 

She then threw Hermione onto the hard, white, marble floor of the large hall. She then leaned over her with her wand in her left hand. "That sword is supposed to be in my vault at Gringotts. What did you and your friends TAKE FROM MY VAULT?!?" Bellatrix ended up shouting in the end. My sister was crying now. "W... w... we didn't take anything!!! IT IS A FAKE!!!" She screamed. "Let's see if a little cruciatus will loosen you up a bit and get you to tell the truth." Bellatrix sneered. "NOOOO!!!" I screamed. Bellatrix ignored me as she focused on Hermione. I went to reach for my wand before remembering I didn't have it. I looked up as the red light came out of Bellatrix's wand and Hermione began to scream and tears kept streaming down her face making it look like she was sweating. "Has that made you want to tell the truth now mudblood?" Bellatrix asked. Hermione however, was unconscious as the cruciatus was so strong that her water, sleep and food deprived body was too weak to handle it. If Hermione was like this, then I knew that I probably wouldn't hold out much better. Bellatrix told Lucius to take Hermione and hold her in case she came to while she was torturing me. Lucius came and took her and held her while standing up. I tried to get out of Narcissa's grasp as Bellatrix stalked towards me. There was a little bit of Hermione's blood on her dress. "Now, it's your turn mudblood. Let's see if I can get any answers out of you shall we?" She said in a falsely sweet voice. Narcissa let me go only for Bellatrix to grab hold of me. I kicked out very hard against Bellatrix's grasp. I bit her hand and she let go abruptly. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out, but maybe I could get to the cellar and call out to Harry and Ron. Harry and I were in love with each other. I was about halfway to the cellar when I felt horrible pain. I tried not to scream. I bit my bottom lip so hard to prevent myself from screaming, that it started to bleed. I then let out a bloodcurdling scream. Hermione then came to. "SARAH!!! PLEASE BELLATRIX, STOP!!! PLEASE!!!" My sister screamed at Bellatrix. Bellatrix then stopped the curse. I felt so weak. Bellatrix grabbed me and threw me hard on the marble floor. She then leaned over me and asked me the same question as she asked Hermione. I didn't answer them either. She then Crucioed me. She then got her dagger out and carved a word into my skin while she laughed softly. She then kicked me repeatedly in the stomach. It hurt a lot. I curled in fetal position. She then aimed a cruciatus curse towards me again. I was very close to fainting. 

"Go get the Goblin," Bellatrix ordered Peter Pettigrew. Griphook was brought up. I didn't hear what was said. Suddenly there was commotion happening. Ron and Harry came running up the stairs. Ron got Hermione freed from Lucius's grip and gave her a wand Harry, Ron Hermione started to fire spells at Draco, Narcissa and Lucius. Bellatrix suddenly held her dagger to my throat. "Drop your wands. I said drop them!" Bellatrix ordered them as she held the dagger to my throat. She then leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again for the Dark Lord. Call him!" Bellatrix ordered. All of a sudden, there was a loud squeaking above us. Then the chandelier came crashing down. Bellatrix threw me forward and I landed with a thud. I felt my leg break and I cried out. Dobby was with Harry, Ron and my sister. "GO!!!" I yelled out to Dobby. I looked at my last glimpse of my boyfriend, Ron and my sister. 

"Well well. The little mudblood chose to save her stupid mudblood sister, boyfriend and her blood traitor friend. "DON'T CALL ME OR MY SISTER MUDBLOODS, DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HARRY, AND DO NOT EVER CALL RONALD WEASLEY A BLOOD TRAITOR YOU DUMB PUREBLOODED BITCH!!!" I screamed at Bellatrix with the last bit of energy I had in me before I passed out.

When I came to Bellatrix was sitting on a very comfortable looking chair and I was on a semi-comfortable bed with my ankle chained to the bedpost. I was in the cellar. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU BITCH!!!" I screamed when I saw Bellatrix smirk at me. "How long have I been here?" I said with venom in my voice. "Well, let me think about it pet. Hmmm. Three days." She said in a sickly sweet voice. "What did you just call me?!" I said in a demanding. "I called you pet!" Bellatrix said while laughing. "WHAT!!! I AM NO PET OR SLAVE!!! NOT TO A BITCH LIKE YOU ESPECIALLY!!!" I screamed at her. "Now, mudblood, that is no way to talk to your mistress is it?" She cooed. I didn't answer. "Think we need to learn that when we are spoken to or asked a question. So, I will ask the question again. That is no way to talk to your mistress is it?" She cooed again. "CRUCIO!!!" She screamed. "N... n... no..." I stuttered. "No what?!" She asked. "N... n... no m... m... mistress." I said quietly. Just before she left, Bellatrix drew a silver ribbon looking thing in the air with her wand. I suddenly realised what it was. She started to try and put it on me. I resisted until she put the full body bind curse on me. She then put a spell on the collar. When she lifted the body bind curse, I tried to take the collar off and I burnt my finger. "Why Bellatrix," I said in a pleading voice. "You are to call me mistress, not Bellatrix. I will let it slide this once though." I also called you pet because, as I said you are my pet now. Just so you know, I don't really have a good history with pets. They normally vanished or ceased under my watch. Hopefully, I can keep my new pet longer." She replied. I left it at that. I didn't want to talk anymore. "Stupid manor, stupid Malfoys, stupid Dark Lord and stupid Bellatrix Lestrange," I whispered to myself as she was leaving the cell. "What?" She asked. "Nothing," I replied quietly. "Good." She replied. She then left me there. After she left, I felt like I had lost my Gryffindor pride, courage and knowledge. We will see what happens tomorrow if Bellatrix tries anything that I don't want to do. I then crawled into the semi-comfortable bed that had been conjured up for me. "Goodnight Harry. Goodnight Ron. Goodnight Hermione. Goodnight me." I said to myself. I then fell asleep. 

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Until the next chapter Y'all - Gothellestrange                      

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