Chapter 19: Huge Opportunity

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(Three weeks later)

The group went to the royal hall for another episode of NXT UK and it was three weeks since the Clash of Generations event. For Will though, tonight he has a huge opportunity coming to him.

Pete: so mate, you know what you have for tonight?

Will: not sure, Mr. Saint didn't message me anything

Trent: the boss is full of surprises

As they walked into the locker rooms, Will noticed a door with his name on it; Triple H walked up to the Fil-Brit Brawler.

Will: Hunter, what's this?

Hunter: well due to the success of Clash of Generations and you and the bois' great 5 star matches, we've decided to give you separate locker rooms.

British Strong Style's match against The Shield and Toni and Will's match earned a 5 star rating from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter by Dave Meltzer.

Tyler: this is great Hunter

Trent: thank you sir

Hunter: you all deserve it

Triple H took his leave.

Toni: babe, we can share your locker room

Will: good, so we can have some private time together

Trent: we all agree mate; we always see you two making out every time we walk in

Tyler: let's settle in to our locker rooms, bois and Dakota you can share with me

Dakota: aww

The group separated to their locker rooms, but as Will and Toni entered, they were stopped by GM Saint.

Saint: oh there you are, William

Will: Mr. Saint, what can I do for you?

Saint: well tonight is a triple threat number 1 contender's match and the winner faces WALTER at our next Takeover event in Manchester.

Will: oh that's great news, but what does it have to do with me?

Saint: because you're one of the participants along with Jordan Devlin and Joe Coffey; good luck tonight!

GM Saint took his leave while Will's mouth hung open as he was overwhelmed by the news. As for Toni, she squealed and hugged her boyfriend tight.

Toni: are you okay, babe?

Will: I have a chance to face WALTER

Toni: I know, I'm so proud of you, my love

She kissed Will on the cheek.

Toni: well your match isn't til later, so can we have some fun?

She bit her lower lip.

Will: you cheeky girl, but keep it PG

The two went in their locker room and had a make out session on the couch with Toni sitting on Will's lap while her hands are on the back of his neck. Will kept her comfortable with one hand on Toni's back and the other on her thigh. Will gently squeezed her thigh making Toni give out a small moan and giggle. 

Toni: PG huh?

Will: can't help when I'm with a beautiful girl like you

Toni blushed and leaned her face close to Will's.

Toni: if you win tonight, we'll have a celebration

Will: oh I can't wait for that

Toni: come here

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