The people in the hallway noticed the infamous girl that had tried to attack Mr. Bobbit and began whispering. Shancai, not being able to do anything about it, sighed and slammed her locker door shut. Li Zhen and Qinghe quickly ran towards her after finding her at her locker.

" Shancai, are you hurt?" Li Zhen came to her with a worried expression on her face.

" Shancai, I'm sorry. It's all my fault, I wasn't able to protect you," Qinghe apologized. " Why did you attack Mr. Bobbit?"

" I didn't want to attack him," Shancai explained. " I was trying to find that F4 member with green shoes. One of them stepped on my phone and broke it." She showed them her cracked phone screen.

" F4?" Li Zhen questioned. " Who's F4?"

" Where are they? Are they the ones those girls were taking photos of? They seem to be very popular," Qinghe stated.

" The F4 members are very popular seniors," 

" Are you guys new?" The woman asked. The trio nodded.

" We're freshmen from the nutrition department," Shancai explained. " And you are?"

" Junior in Journalism," she replied. " I'm Guo Caijie,"

" You're very pretty," Qinghe complimented, causing the newcomer to smile.

" Caijie, why is F4 so popular?" 

" They're four senior students at Ming De. Their average height is about 185cm. They're all very handsome, talented and outgoing. Most importantly, at school, they all excel in their respective fields," Caijie started.

" Huaze Lei majors in music, Ximen, Meizuo and Daoming Si major in business administration. They attract a lot of attention at school. They always get the best scholarships, and they're all skilled in at least three different languages. They're not only smart, but they have great taste too," She paused to take a breath.

" They might look like players, but they respect women. The four of them are all very close, they've been friends since they were little. It's almost impossible for someone new to join them. Because of that, F4 has always been very mysterious at Ming De. The girls all love them, and there are a lot of boys who want to prove that they're better than them. These boys challenge them to prove that they're more popular and more attractive. "

" Challenge? How do they challenge them?"

" With Bridge," 

" Bridge?" Li Zhen and Shancai asked at the same time.

" What is Bridge? I've never heard of it,"

" Bridge is an international card game that's elegant and civilized. It's competitive and requires skill and cooperation. They're not only the stars of Ming De, but they're also stars in the Bridge world. If anyone wants to beat them, they'll have to be really good. But ever since F4 founded the Bridge club, no one has been able to beat them," Caijie continued to lead the freshmen.

" They're that good?" 

" The four of them have different strengths when playing Bridge. Feng Meizuo is the artistic one. He loves literature and art. He's good at designing exhibitions and holding salons. At the Bridge table, he has an incredible memory. He never forgets anything. He's also very humorous. After listening to his jokes, his opponents often lower their defense. They start to take the game less seriously," Caijie described, turning a corner with the others in tow.

" Ximen is very subtle and cautious. His family adores tea. He is very skilled in the art of tea. At the Bridge table, he's good at strategies. He knows how to play mind games. He distracts his opponents. They often don't even know how they lost. They call him the Battle God,"

Never Be Alone | Feng Meizuo (METEOR GARDEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now