Prologue - The Kyuubi

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The red light district. Known as one of the most dangerous place in Konohagakure, where drunks and gangsters hang out.

There, in the middle of an alley, is where our favourite young blonde laid. Laying in a puddle of blood, with cuts and bruises all over his body, Naruto struggles to stay conscious.

Naruto's POV

I laid there, thinking kow fucked up my life is. I mean, come on. I'm only three years old.

My wounds have already started to heal. I just suffered another beating, or as the villagers like to call it, The Fox Hunt.

Sooner or later though, I have to go back to my apartment. I tried standing up, but immediately regretted it. As soon as I tried moving, a wave of pain flooded my body.

Having no other choice, I stayed there, fighting off the desire to sleep. A few moments later, I gave in as I fell unconscious.


When I opened my eyes, I was in a sewer. Confused, I made my way through the twist and turns. Soon arriving in a huge room with a big gate probably the size of the Hokage mountain.

I went futher into the room, looking around it. I immediately froze as I heard a loud snoring noise. Turning my head, I saw a gigantic fox with nine tails. It's head on top of it's folded arm, his tails swishing around, seemingly sleeping.

The fox woke up, getting the feeling of being stared at. It's crimson red eyes looking around the room, until it's gaze landed on Naruto.

A sadistic grin forming on the large fox's face, "Ahh, my jailer finally decided to meet me."

Normally, I would've screamed in terror, but my gaze was locked on to some thing. Those tails, they look so...

I shifted my legs awkwardly. The Kyuubi noticed this and asked, "What do you want brat?" Naruto stuttered out, "N-nothing. Nothing a-at all."
The demon sighed, "Just tell me what you want."

Finally, Naruto broke. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Without thinking, he charged in to the cage. "FLUFFY," he yelled out and clung onto a tail as if it was his life force.

Third POV

The Kyuubi sat there frozen. 'He's not...afraid of me?' She thought. But soon the shock turned to annoyance, as she started flinging her tail around in an attempt to get the boy off her tail.

"Get off me!" She shouted enraged. "I don't wanna~ Your tail's too cuddly," Naruto whined. After a few more attempts, she just huffed and left Naruto alone. 'Well, at least he treated me as something other than a weapon,' she thought, remembering her previous two jinchurikis.

A few cuddling moments later, Naruto calmed down and finally realised what he was doing. He blushed in embarrassment and immediately apologized to the vixen, which she just grunted.

"So...who are you?" Naruto asked. Kurama facepalmed. "Really? Now you asked?" She deadpanned, but one could hear the slight amusement in her voice if they listen closely. Naruto brought his hand up to his chin and made a thinking pose. "Yup!" He shouted, to which Kurama facepalmed again.

Kurama decided she should try a more dramatic approach. "I am the great and mighty Kyuubi no Kitsume, the strongest of the Tailed-beast. Bow before me you peasant!"

Naruto gained a disbelieving look. "Really!? That's so cool! Why are you here though, since you're so 'great and mighty' as you said?" Naruto's voice turned from excitement to teasing.

Kurama growled, "Because your goddamned Yondaime sealed me into you!" Naruto's eyes widened slightly, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Why the villagers hate him so much, why the Fox Hunt was held, why his childhood was like hell. 'It all made sense,' Naruto thought.

But then, Naruto simply shrugged them off. If life wanted to push him down like that, the he'd just get up and deal with it.

A suggestion suddenly appeared in Naruto's mind, and he started to get excited.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Naruto faced the Kyuubi once more. "What, brat?" She asked harshly, she was starting to get annoyed by all the questions he was asking, but he paid no mind to it. "Want to be my friend?" He asked with stars in his eyes. Kurama blinked, then bursted out laughing.

"You? A human, want me to be your friend? If not for this cage, I could kill you in an instant. I'm a living embodiment of hatred, I don't need a friend, all I need is myself."All she got as a reply was a blank stare from Naruto.

"You're lying," he stated with a calm face. The determination in his eyes send a shiver down her spine. "You said you do not need a friend, but I could see the loneliness in your eyes. I know you have been trapped for a long while, all by your self. You are trying to deny your loneliness by claiming you are an embodiment of hatred," he stated.

Kurama stared at him, eyes wide with shock. 'This...brat, managed to figure me out. When no one else-not even my siblings-could. Maybe a friend wouldn't be so bad after all.' For a brief moment, she saw a faint figure behind the blonde. The figure of her creator.

The demon vixen chuckled, "Alright, you win. I'll be your friend, since you manage to see through me." Happiness visibly appeared on Naruto's face, as he cheered and started running around while doing the chicken dance. Kurama sweatdropped at the scene.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Uzumaki Naruto. What's your name?" He asked. Kurama, once again, was astonished by Naruto's maturity. Not everyone can figure out she has a name. "You really are something else, aren't you? No one even bothered to know my name. I'm Kurama," she smiled.

"Heya, Kurama. We're going to be the best of friends!" Naruto exclaimed. 'Maybe you are right, old man. One day, someone will understand us,' she thought. "Naruto, reach your hand out in a fist," she instructed. Naruto, although confused, did so. Kurama mirrored the action, and fist bumped with Naruto.

Naruto felt a weird sensation in his body, but soon figured out it was the fox's chakra merging with his. He grinned, and Kurama grinned back.

"Now..." Naruto began as the cage made a creaking noise and slowly opened. "Let's show the world what we can do, Kurama!" He shouted as the cage opened completely.

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