Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Liz, the Big Boss wants to see you in his office," Claire, the Finance Department's Assistant said after getting off the telephone.

"What? Why?" Liz asked in confusion. She had only started working there a few days ago, and she was already being summoned in the CEO's office? What did she do?

Her colleagues in the Finance Department started talking amongst themselves when they heard Claire's announcement.

"What did she do?"

"Is she going to be fired a week barely after she started working here?"

"Oh, no. She must be in trouble. Our cold and strict boss won't summon her in his office for nothing."
"True. Who do you think ratted her out? How come I didn't hear anything about her mistake?"

"Right. What did she do?"
"Maybe he saw her slacking during working hours."

"I guarantee that she will come back crying, if not fired."

Those comments made Liz freeze. Her heart started beating faster. That was the first time she was going to meet her boss. Ever since she started working there, she had only heard horrible things about him. What was going to happen to her now?

"Liz, the boss said now," Claire said.

Everybody looked at her. Some looked unaffected and others afraid for her, as if she was going to the slaughterhouse. What did I do? She wondered.

"Okay," she said and got to her feet.

"You can do it!" some members of her team cheered her on.

"She is dead meat," someone said.

She left her workstation and walked towards the CEO's office.

"God, please don't let him fire me this early," she quietly prayed as she climbed the stairs, still feeling uncertain of what was awaiting her in the Boss's office.

"Hey, isn't that one of the new employees in our company?" Lina asked when she saw Liz walking absent-mindedly towards the boss's office.

"Yeah. I think her name is Lisette. She is in the Finance Department," Ida, the other secretary said.

"Lisette!" Lina called out, startling her from her thoughts.

Liz smiled coyly. "Hi, I'm going to the Boss's office. He asked for me," she said.

"Okay," they said in unison.

She became even more nervous when she got to the door to the Boss's office. She paced for a while before knocking.

"Come in," a hoarse voice said from inside.

"You can do it, Liz!" she said. "You can do it!"

When she entered the spacious and well-decorated office, she found him seated with his back facing her. He was staring at the glass wall. From where she was standing, she could see the lovely view of the city through the glass wall. Was he enjoying the view? She wondered.

"Sir, my name is Lisette Lukorito. You wanted to see me."

"Hmmm....Have a sit," he said without turning.

Liz sat on a chair in front of his desk and wondered why he was looking for her.

"Sir, did I make a mistake?" she asked. "Please don't fire me. Give me a chance to redeem myself."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, turning towards her.

"Aww!" Liz cupped her hand over her mouth in surprise. "Is that you Oscar?"

"The one and only Oscar," he said, raising a brow. "Long time not seen."

"I can't believe it. Are you the CEO of our company?"

He grinned. "Surprise!" he said. "It is me. How have you been?"

Wow, he turned out to be successful, she thought. How awful! He is my boss now.

Seeing that she was immersed in her thoughts, he clapped. "Snap out of it!"

She stared at him in a daze. "Mm?"

"Ha-ha-ha! Liz, what's wrong?" Oscar asked. "Are you shocked to see me?"

"No. It is just that I never expected you to be my boss."

"Don't worry. I won't go tough on you."

Well, time did him good, she thought. He had become more handsome. Not more handsome than her Ethan, of course, but he could make many hearts race.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Good," she said. "No complaint whatsoever."

"Me too," he said, sitting up and giving her that infectious smile that made her heart melt back in the day.

"Fine," Liz said getting to her feet. "I should get back to work unless there is something else you want to discuss with me."

Hearing that, questions started flowing through his mind. Isn't she happy to see me? Didn't she miss me even a little bit?


He was startled from his thoughts. "Don't be formal," he said. "Just call me Oscar."

"No. I can't do that," she said.


"Because we are at work. We have to maintain professionalism, or else people will misunderstand."

"Okay. I understand."

"Fine, let me go back to work now," she said, then turned and started walking away.

"Stop!" he said, and she complied.

"Is there something else, Sir?" she asked turning towards him.

He hated hearing her address him formally. He had anticipated meeting her again after her graduation day. He had waited for three long years, and now that she was finally in front of him, he wanted to hug her tight and kiss her but he couldn't because he was afraid of scaring her away. He would rather have her close than lose her again.

"Do you think we can have a meal together someday?" he asked. "You know, to catch up."

She gasped. "You want us to have a meal together? What if people misunderstand?"

"Liz, people will always talk even if there is nothing to talk about."

"I know, but I still don't think it is right for me to be friends with my boss."

Oscar furrowed his brow. "But why?" he asked.

"They will think the worst of me. I don't want negative publicity. "

He sighed. "Okay. I understand."

"Thanks," she said, then turned and made a few steps away.


"Oscar?" She lazily turned and looked at him. "What is it this time?"

"I'm glad to see you again," he said.

She sweetly smiled at him and said, "Have a good day, Sir." She then left the office and shut the door behind her.

Oscar smiled and licked his lower lip then. "Good day too, Sweetheart."


Simple HappinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora