Chapter 3

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I quickly dry the first tear appearing from my eyes after finishing my song. I do not want to ruin my makeup, even though it is much easier than my broken heart. It is only four days since he cheated on me, but it still hurt just as bad as seeing them cheat. Maybe even worse because the pain had had time to settle. The only thing good about today was the fact that it was Friday, and I could spend it in anyway I want. 

I sigh starring at the piano. Just then I hear someone entering.

I turn my head seeing Mr.Jackson. A little startled by him entering, I close the piano cover and pretend like nothing.

"Sorry, I thought the faculty had gone home"

"I was just going to. I'm sorry to bother you. I heard it from the hallway and I just had to check. It was really beautiful" He says walking over to me to stand by the piano.

I feel my cheeks blush, and I look away to try to hide my embarrassment.

"It is just something I recently wrote"

"You are talented"
"I've been playing since I was a little girl" I smile, looking up at him. He looks rather good today, better every day. The white-collar shirt suits him very well. And I do not want to look away from him.

"I come here when I'm feeling blue. The principal gave me the key so, I just come here when I think no one is around"

"So, why are you feeling blue?"

I nod, unsure if I should tell him. He is my teacher, he knows nothing about my personal life.

He notices my hesitation. "You don't have to tell me. But if you need someone to talk to. I'm all yours. Sometimes it is better to talk to someone you don't know very well"

"I just don't want you to get the wrong impression"

"Of you? I won't. I already think you are an amazing person" he smiles. That made me blush and my heart begun to pound a little faster.

"Well... About the person I'm going to tell you about"

"You don't have to say his name"

I sigh. "I think you already know. In summer, another girl kissed him. I let it go because he did not kiss back – and he was intoxicated with alcohol"

His eyes look worrying. I continue. "And at the party a few days ago, he and the same girl were making out" I say, trying to keep my tears inside.

"Bianca..." "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that. No one does. And he most certainly does not deserve you" He say placing a hand on my shoulder. His touch makes me shiver a little, and for a second, I do not know how to react.

"Thank you. It is just hard to swallow. I really was in love with him. He removes his hand and lean his elbows on the piano in front of me. I get up from my chair and collect my bag.

"High school sweethearts? It's not always that work out you know"
I sigh and smile a crocket smile. "What about you Mr. Jackson? Did you marry yours?"

He chuckles, and looks down a little. "I did, yes"

I felt a little bummed hearing that. I knew he was married. I noticed his ring on his finger the very first day we met. I had a thing for noticing that rather quickly. Then I would know if he was available or not before I made a move. Not that I had ever dated anyone beyond my age!

"You are lucky"
"Well..." He starts, but quickly stops as he is hesitating telling me the truth.

"Now, you told me I did not have to tell you. So, I wont tell you to either"

"I know. But as I said, maybe talking to someone you don't know so well is better" He smiles a little as we make our way out of the music room. I lock the door and put it in my pocket. The halls are empty. The quietness so soothing to your ears. I could even hear a needle if it fell to the grown.

"It's just... Sometimes love fades you know? The older you get. And what used to be, might not be there anymore"

"So, you're saying you are not in love anymore? I thought that was common. You stop being in love, and you just... love"

"You are clever"

"For my age maybe. I'm just being myself"
He smiles at me and I smile back. He was such an easy talker, but I felt bad for him. I hated seeing people struggling with love. The same way I was.

"But, does it bother you?"
"Sometimes I look at her and I don't feel anything towards her. It's exhausting. When we fall asleep, I don't even care if I'm not holding her"

"Maybe you need something to spice it up. Do something you used to do when you first fell in love. You know? Those first months of your relationship when you cannot take your hands off each other" I suggest, smiling at the thought. I remember when it was like that with Derek. I could not be away from him for a second of the day. I miss it.

"I remember those. They were great. But I would have to get a babysitter for my son too"

"Your son? How old is he?"

This man had an entire family despite the fact that he looks very young. I wouldn't have assumed.

"He is 7" He smiles. We arrive to the parking lot where his car is.

"Well I don't mind sitting if you wouldn't"

His face suddenly lights up. "That would be great. He is a very likeable boy"
"I don't doubt that at all. And I've always been babysitting my little sister so I think it will be perfect" I smile.

"Excellent. Here" he says, taking out a little piece of paper and a pen from his bag. "This...Is my address" He hands it over, and my fingers slightly touches his. I feel stunned but try to keep my calm.

I smile. "Thank you. Around 6?" I ask.

"Sure. Now I got to think about what to do"

"You will do fine. Just remember the romance, and the past" I smile before leaving him and he gets into his car to drive home.

I feel startled and bummed by my decision as I'm walking home. I was going to help two people fall in love again, when really, I thought one of them was very handsome. Maybe I shouldn't feel bummed. I am doing them justice.

A/N - Hope you enjoy this <3 xo

Teach me how to love (MJ, teacher)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن