chapter four.

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        With a sudden bump, the blonde was thrown of balance. She caught herself on the side of building before falling over, glancing over at the person who nudged her quite violently. What she saw was not what she was expecting however. Perrie's lips fell open but no sound came out as she spun around on her heel and darted down the alleyway.

        Hearing the thud of combat boots hot on her trail, she picked up her speed. Her breathing already coming out in short, hollow pants as she ran. Feeling a pair of rough hands on her arm, the petite girl was jerked around to face the man. His eyes bright red, similar to Zayn's when he was hungry. As the male opened his mouth, Perrie was staring directly at his large fangs. That's when a blood curdling scream left the girl's glossed lips.

        The taller male flung her against a random brick wall that was close, Perrie's small frame sliding down the side as she gripped her head. The world around her was fuzzy, her eyes squinting now as she saw Jesy in hand-to-hand combat with the vampire.

        "Jesy, get away from that thing!" Perrie screamed out to her friend, confused as to why she was even here.

        Jesy was throwing punches and kicks, Leigh walking up now an kicked the vampire in the back, Jesy's stake slammed into where his heart should be. As soon as the stake went through, the vampire bursts. Red, bloody goo flying and landing where ever it pleased. Jesy and Leigh pulled off their covered raincoats and dropped them ontop of the vampire goop.

        Perrie's jaw was surely on the floor as she looked at her two best friends, the shock clear in her eyes. Her best friends walked over to her, helping her up. The girl let out a whimper as she rubbed her temple that had been slammed into the brick wall. She was in far too much pain to even string together poper questions for the pair.

        "C'mon, let's get you home." Leigh says to her, allowing Perrie to lean on her as the walked out of the alley.

        Not much was said as the girl's walked towards Perrie's home. Not much was needed to say, especially since Perrie was still proscessing everything that happened. She was attacked. They saved her. Leigh-Anne and Jesy had killed a vampire. The blonde hadn't believed that was possible by humans. But her friends were fearless against those monstrous creatures. Maybe they weren't so human as Perrie had believed?

        Pulling open the front door, Perrie walked inside with a soft sigh of content leaving her lips as the smell of vanilla enveloped her as she stepped foot inside the home. This is where she felt the safest, her tiny little vanilla-smelling abode that held so many fond memories. The blonde kicked off her sandals by the front door and wiggled her toes in the soft, fluffy, white carpet that welcomed her uncovered feet.

        She walked over to the large couch and plopped her butt into it, allowing the cushions to sink her back into the soft, warm seat. Pulling her feet up now as she tipped her head back against the couch, eyes closing. To admit she was tired was easy, all of that had took the girl's energy. But she knew Leigh-Anne and Jesy were waiting for her to invite them to stay or dismiss them for another time. Either way, sooner or later, the trio had to discuss what happened.

        "I'm far too exhausted, guys, catch up tomorrow?" the blonde ask as she shifted slightly so her body was sprawled horizontally on the couch, her stomach lay flat against the cushions as she looked to the pair of girls who only gave her a smile.

        "Yeah, of course, Pez. Get some rest, you got a nice bump on your head, bubba." Jesy said as she walked over and gave me a semi-hug, kissing my head for good measure as she walked back over to her girlfriend.

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