Chapter 2 - The Glimpse of Fate

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<Somewhere deep in the ocean...>

Falling into the water was the last thing on Moon's mind, she felt the coldness of the saltwater brushing against her skin as her whole entire weight was pulling her down to the depths of the ocean.

Her tired eyes stared right at the surface as the reflection of the moon was vanishing from her sight. No...she had to make an attempt. Using all of her remaining strength, she tried to pushed herself upwards.

Moon: W-Wait...what??

When Moon was about to moved her legs, she couldn't feel them at all. She had this tingling and uncomfortable sensation running through the veins in her lower part of her body...

...It was as if they were unexpectedly numb...

She looked down.

Moon: What...?

Her eyes widened like two round saucers.

Moon: No...

Moon never thought in her life she would be witnessing what she was witnessing right now. Her legs were gone...

...Instead of her two human legs, they were replaced by...

Moon: "A Mermaid Tail??!!"

Soon, another realisation struck her like a fast lightning bolt.

Moon: "Wait...I can talk underwater?? How is this even possible...??"

Moon couldn't believe what was happening right now. A Mermaid Fin? Talking underwater?

Moon: *Laughs* No, it must be a dream!

Moon laughed to herself as she tightly closed her eyes, hoping it was just another bad dream.

Moon: Please be a dream! Please be a dream!

Moon thought to herself. However, as she opened her eyes, it wasn't a dream. Moon was still with her unexpected mermaid tail and she continued sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean.

Moon: "What kind of fairytale is this?!"

Moon screamed in frustration but calmed herself down.

Although she was still in shock of her tail, it was probably her only hope in the world.

Moon: "Come on mermaid tail! Work your magic!"

Moon was probably the most inexperienced swimmer (...and mermaid).

She failed at making that another attempt. Her tail was not going to move at all. She then had no other choice but to call for immediate help.

Moon: "Help! Help!"

Moon desperately cried for help, she reached out her hand to the surface was already hopeless...

Moon: What am I thinking? Nobody will be awake at this time of the night...

Moon sagged her shoulders and looked down at her tail again.

Moon: How is this even possible?
Why do I even have a fin? 
Are Mermaids even real?

Regal Academy - The Legend of the Mermaid &lt;Book 2&gt;Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ