Chapter Two

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Play with your dolls, we'll be a perfect family.

Taeyong's eyes flickered back and forth. He was sitting on a small stool, a jolly grin on his face. To his left, a teddy bear and a stuffed elephant toy were sat upright on stools of their own. On his right, a lady with a white mask on stared blankly at him. The mask was unsettling, with black patterns drawn in ink drawn all over it. It only covered her eyes and forehead, showing off her smooth cheeks and cherry red lips. They were all seated around a circular table, empty tea cups and cheap pink napkins decorating the rough wooden surface.

"Would you like like some tea?" Taeyong asked the lady airily, standing up slightly to offer her the empty kettle.

The lady nodded her head quickly, then stilled again. She was like a statue, sitting up straight with not a sign of movement. It made Taeyong feel like he was being ignored, and hated it. He wanted the lady to play with him and have fun. He wanted to have fun with her.

Taeyong pushed his concerns to the back of his head and out his brightest smile on display. He make a sound of pouring with mouth while tipping the kettle down into her tea cup, glancing up at the lady to see her reaction. Absolutely nothing happened. A ripple passed over his throat, and he sat back down on his stool. Silence fell over the table, and Taeyong finally spoke up.

"Aren't you going to drink your tea?" Taeyong asked timidly, a very slight buzzing growing in his mind.

The lady pulled a strand of her black hair behind her ear ever so gently, and picked up the tea cup. Taeyong watched eagerly as she held the cup up to her lips and tilted it. She made a small slurping sound, and her lips curved into a smile. She slowly set down the cup, and her smile only grew more. Yet, her smile wasn't warm of comforting. It was cold and distant, forced out in an insane way. Taeyong's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes widening.

The lady began giggling, her giggle empty of emotion. Seconds passed of her giggling and soon, her chest was heaving from her chaotic laughter. She slammed her hand down on the table, her laughs coming out as if she was choking. Taeyong didn't know what to do; he was completely lost.

"P-Please stop...!" Taeyong whimpered, covering his eyes. "Y-You're s-scaring me!"

"You expect me to stop!?" The lady said, her voice icy cold. It sent a shiver up Taeyong's spine.

"N-No..." Taeyong shook his head, stumbling off the stool and onto the scraggly carpet. "I didn't mean..."

"Didn't mean what!?" She asked, her voice sickeningly sweet, as she stalked over him. "Everything you say, Taeyong, you don't mean it? You're telling me you're fake?"

"No..." Taeyong whispered, his voice cracking as he continued crawling back. "I don't-"

"Tell me, Taeyong," She replied, backing Taeyong into a corner. "You have a voice, use it."

Taeyong's mouth grew extremely dry, and he knew he desperately needed to speak. Yet, his mind drew a blank. He felt so small compared to her, to this masked woman. The mask hid everything he wanted to know. He wanted to see her eyes. Were they full of emotion, or as dull and emotionless and her voice? Taeyong gasped as the lady grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall, screaming as he felt his shoulder blades molding to the corner.

"Tell me now, Taeyong," She whispered into his ear, moving a hand to his neck. "Tell me Taeyong. Are you a fake little bitch?"

Taeyong whimpered as she squeezed down on his neck, her cold fingers making him feel faint. His feet lifted off the ground as she dragged him further up the wall, and her grip on his neck grew even tighter.

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