Chapter 6 Marinette Confesses to Adrien?

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        Marinette sighs as her husband rest.  Then, she takes off her shoes and places them beside the bed.  She might as well.  She opens her suitcase, and grabs a few items up from it.  She carries them with her to the bathroom. She feels nervous, but has no idea why.

      Once, inside Marinette removes her slip, and slowly takes the dress off.  She places it on the counter.  She locks the door.  She puts on the other clothes.  She smiles as she removes the veil and puts it to the side.  She takes her hair down.  She brushes it.  She opens the door to see Adrien is still asleep.  She wishes he were awake, so she could talk to him.  

     Marinette does not say a word.  She just turns on the television.  She watches a romance film as it begins.  She thinks, wow this is great!  She lays down next to her man, and wraps an arm around him.  She notices he does not move.  She continues to watch the movie until she falls asleep. 

    Adrien wakes up early.  He looks at the beside clock.  It is only 2 am.  Ugh, why is he wide awake at such an hour?  He gets up.  He turns the tv off.  He reaches over and turns off the lamp.  He does not even notice his wife is asleep.  He lays back down with his back towards the woman beside him. He nods off again a few minutes later.  He is one worn out man with a lot on his mind.  

     Marinette opens her eyes around six the next day.  She smiles. She is happy to have have slept with her hubby.  At least he let me sleep in the same bed as him. She smiles at the thought even though she feels a hint of sadness.  It is not like he has shown her any affection since the wedding.  She is unsure what to make of it.  

    Adrien gets up at seven that morning.  He gets dressed without a second thought about where he is and who else is even there.   He hears a sound behind him and turns around.  He gasps when he realizes that she sees him!   He runs into the bathroom and slams the door.

    Marinette giggles. She thinks the situation to be funny.  Her husband put on his socks and shirt without a glance her way.  Haha!  The very idea was hilarious!  Why he should have seen how red his face was when he figures out he does not have on his pants yet!  She adores him.  She thinks he looks so cute even in his t-shirt, socks, and boxers.   She smirks.

  Adrien comes out and sees her smile.  He gives her a look of annoyance. He scowls even. 

    "It is not funny!"  Adrien says.

     "Adrien, why are you so angry?"  Marinette ask.

     Adrien does not answer, he just stands so close she feels uncomfortable as she backs away towards the wall.  Marinette closes her eyes. She thinks, this is it.  He is gonna hit me!  I should have known he would abuse me.  She keeps this way for awhile.  

    Adrien  sees how afraid she is and feels horrible.  Why this only makes things worse. He reaches out and gently holds her in his arms.  He has no idea why.  He just feels the need to calm her down for the moment.  As he gently holds her he looks closely at her and blushes.  

   Marinette feels him touch her. She dares not open her eyes.  She still fears he will strike her at any moment. The memories of her father's  horrid treatment of her mother in the past still in her mind, she thinks, please just get it over with.  Just hit me already!  She feels tears form in her eyes.  She dares not open them though.  She can not believe how angry he was over a simple laugh. 

  Adrien does let go of her.  He can feel her tremble as he holds her. He can not believe it.  He wonders, what sort of horrors she must have gone through in her past to render such a response as this.  He is not the sort to abuse a woman.  He smirks at her and softly whispers, "Marinette, I will not hurt you. I promise."   Already he feels the guilt rush in as he realizes the truth will be her worse hurt yet. 

Marriage for Riches or  Love?  AU *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now