Seriously Kendall! ♥

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I walked out of the bus and stopped. Kendall was surrounded by fans which normally doesn't bother me since I love seeing him with his fans just one thing. He was kissing one of them.

"Kendall?" I asked. Kendall and the girl looked at me. I walked away.

"Nicole wait" Kendall called. I walked back onto the bus. I laid in Dustin's bunk. "Nicole." Kendall says.

I didn't say anything.

"Babe please I didn't do it." Kendall said. I got up.

"You didn't do it! You didn't do it! I saw you!" I screamed.

"She kissed me." Kendall said.

"Seriously Kendall!" I screamed.


"You kissed her back! You kissed your back and clearly have no remorse for it!" I screamed.

"But I..." Kendall said.

"Save it Kendall!" I said. I walked to the back of the bus and closed the door. I sighed and sat down on the back lounge couch. What got into him?

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