The woods The Train

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Unknown girls POV


Run faster

Don't look back

There going to catch you

I didn't know what I was doing one minute I was on a train on my way back to my home town and the next I wake up in the wood it's raining i looked up at the sky i I'm covered in mud I have a bright white skin tight dress on that falls down right above my knees.

What's is going on I think to my self something in the distance moved and I took off running again as fast as I could  I  tripped over a tree root that was sticking out of the ground.

There was something chasing me I couldn't see it but I know it was their.


Run faster

Don't look back

They will catch you

The voice in my head kept saying  to run.

"Run my love"the voice said again

"Your to far away love run Faster" the voice said again.

It was a man's voice I love the sould of it I don't know why.

I ran even faster then I thought I could ever run I made it to a  clearing in the middle of the woods there was a house the lights were on.

Running to the the door banging on it "let me in please let me in I'm begging you please let me in" but nothing.

it was so close now I could almost see it I was now facing the woods where I watched and waited for the creature to appear before me.

Finally something appears before me.

A man with bright blue eyes and dark black hair walked out of the trees he had a big scar going across his right eye.

"Your fast on your feet little wolf but  you are not fast  enough to to get away from me again" he said to me walking as close as he could to me.

"I have been look for you for days little one "he said again.

"Leave her alone" another voice said

"She is mine Balthazar not yours leave her alone and walk away before I do something I will not regret"the second man said as he walked out  from behind the house.

"You will be mine one day little one even if I have to wait all eternity to get my hands on you you will be mine"he said again.

The man with the scar disappeared out of site as well as the man that was in front of me.

There was a snap as if something stepped on a twig the something hit me knocking the wind out of me there was thick red blood running down my legs what ever it was was going to kill me and before I new it I could feel my heart stoping

I had died

I was shaken awake by the train manager.

"We are here" the lady said as she walked away

Getting my bags and grabbing the book of the chair next to me I dragged my feet tell I hit the doors.

I was final home.

There was a man waiting for me as he waved to me.

"This way  lady Rain " the man said as he opened the door to the limo that was waiting for me I didn't remember asking for a limo.

"Are you sure im in the right car sir" I asked him as he got in the driver's seat.

"As sure as I am about my own name Lady Rain" the man said as he started the car up and before you know it we were driving  off down the road  to my new home.

"Lady when did I become a lady that's something they call girl from wealthy families.

With the thought of my dreams in my head wondering want they mean and why it felt as if I was really there.

Daniel POV

I smelled her before I saw her I had to see her with my own eyes i ran at  lightning speed to the window in my room looking at the limo that just poled up.

"Here we are lady Rain" the limo driver said to her As he got out and open the door for her .

"Rain such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman" I thought to my self I can't really see her face from all the way up here.

No one knows im back home not even little Lona and she knows everything.

I don't think I'll show my self to anyone anytime soon I'm not meant to be back tell tomorrow.

As always I go strat to my bed were I  fall a sleep once I was laying down.

With the thought of Rain on my mind and life as I know it repeats itself once again

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