Golden Girl

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" This was never what I wanted. Please don't leave. " She pleaded. Jessica looked, back her eyes scanning every detail of the Gucci suit the groveling figure wore; a woman once so powerful, one she thought would be forever hers now looked pathetic. Her eyes expressing the regrets, pity and anger that was kept locked behind her clenched teeth, however the slam of the door behind her said it for her. With that slam Jessica left behind the echos of the cries, the screams and the laughter she once shared with her Golden star. 

~One year earlier~ 

"Jessica we are going to a club not your local bar!" Kael sighed, annoyed he got up and pushed Jessica back towards her room. 

" I don't even want to go I have worked for the last 10 hours and I have a photo shoot tomorrow. Let me at least wear something comfortable to fall asleep in at the club because that's what most likely will happen" she complained as she begrudgingly walked back into her room. Kael pushed her onto the stool in front of her vanity.

 "yes but I told you this is an invite only club and I got invited AND get to bring a plus one. So don't be a party pooper. I could have brought Jasmine, but I put you down as my plus one because you're my roomie.  " he boasted.

 She groaned " fine look I'll get all pretty as long as you promise to never mention that cows name again" 

Kael nodded and grinned " now fix your damn makeup and get ready to part-taeeeee!" within seconds Kael was pulling her closet to pieces till he pulled out a golden scale dressed that reflected the lights creating an instant bedroom disco. The white wall now covered in the colours from the flashing lights neatly hung over a a soft pastel pink double bed. The light danced over the white drawn curtains, competing with the golden light that faded as the sun went to sleep outside their eight story apartment. However all colour seemed to avoid the simple cross that sat next to her family photo on her bedside table. Jessica watched this momentarily through her well lit Hollywood style vanity mirror , she watched as a rainbow danced over her golden curls that framed her pale face, her hazel eyes broke its gaze from the colours as she pulled her hair into a tight bun. 





"Kael you will be dragging a dead corpse with you if I am wearing that."

"you're a model but you are such a bore." Kael grumbled putting it on her bed 

"if I can't find anything else your wearing that. Why do you even own it if you hate it? "

"a photographer bought it for me and wanted me to keep it. " she sighed. Kael inspected her makeup 

"you know this club has celebs. This could be great for you work wise. But you need to stand out of the crowd. No one cares about a straight A student innocent christian good girl like you unless you make them care. You need to let loose Jess. Your in L.A. with the big leagues now. If you can't live a little you aren't going to get far."

" no I wont get far because I'm not gay or have something special," fists slamming on her vanity. A silence fell over the room. The air slowly disappeared as the darkness started creeping under the door, the numbness started from her toes as the whispers crawled up her leggings. The coldness of the words numbing her slowly causing her to shake . Till she~

"Jess you know that's not true. I know you disagree with me on that but please trust me here. You are special you just need to prove it. Now add a bit more glam to your face and maybe we could go for not so dramatic clothing okay?"

With a few blinks and a nod Jess came back to life "sorry. I shouldn't  have said that. I know that being successful isn't because of your sexuality. It's not like you get famous enough for being a gay model and because of that you get invited to special clubs and things because your gay. "

"I'll admit being gay helps. When your pretty and gay the celebs tend to like you more. Especially when a camera is around, or when they want sex.  " a laugh and a sigh on disappointment escaped Kael's lips.

Pulling out a skin tight red dress Kael's smile returned " you know we are the most unlikely of friends a christian and a gay. Who would have thought. It seems near impossible till, " he paused to see a disapproving glance at the dress in which he promptly returned it, "it actually happens. a lot like finding a nice dress you'll actually wear." He continued to rummage through her closet while she finished her ~ 

"Jessica we will miss all the cute guys while they aren't blasted off their face if you don't hurry up. " Kael called over the quiet rustle of his purple latex pants and his pink frilly top which complemented his rich chocolate skin perfectly, matching his pink and purple eyeliner, with his rainbow blinding highlight stealing the show upon his chiseled god like face.  No mater how beautiful he looked he was no match for~

Eden's neon hall was disorienting even when sober. Once through the lights it became near impossible to not spot a face you hadn't seen on tv, a magazine or your favourite gossip site. No body paid attention to no body unless they had something to gain. Not until she walked in the lights reflecting off the golden dress dancing around her. It was as if time froze when the golden girl walked in. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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