Brendan took a few nervous breaths as they walked on the sidewalks to the van they were provided by the IMF.

"It's gonna be fine," Brandt assured, but in reality, he was assuring himself. The last time Brandt, Brendan and Ilsa encountered the Underworld's forces, things didn't really work out.

Ethan noticed Brandt and Brendan's conversation, "What exactly happened back then? Between you three and the Underworld?"

Brandt shook his head and shrugged the question off, it was obvious to Ethan they had a slightly traumatic experience.

"I'll tell you this," Brendan said. "Ilsa didn't go through much, and even she's lucky she made it out alive."

"At least I saved you," Ilsa said, looking at Brandt.

"Don't worry. There's five of us now," Ethan reassured.

"Numbers don't matter when it comes to Walter," Brandt muttered, but he was too soft to be heard by the others.

* * *

She might be too late by the time she caught up to them in their face-off with the Underworld, but she had to help the team out somehow. Even if it meant dragging their bodies away, but she knew that was impossible. She knew how strong Ethan, Benji and Brandt were.

Moreover, she had faith. Faith in the team that they would succeed as well as faith in that they would trust her when the time comes. Faith was very important when it comes to a team, and she had it.

But the important question is; do they have faith?

* * *

"Are you sure this plan would work? Like hundred percent sure?" Benji asked. The team was sat in a nice silver coloured van, with Ethan driving and Brandt on the passenger seat giving him directions to the Underworld's base.

Ilsa sighed, "For the last time, yes!"

"But what if the blueprints of the cure were fake and this was a trap all along?" Benji asked, not convinced.

"For the last time," Brendan replied, exasperated at Benji's insecurity. "It's legit, have faith."

Benji let out a long sigh, "Whatever you say, then."

Ethan warned Brandt that someone was following them.

"She's female, dark brown hair and eyes, slim and around five feet five, or six," Ethan described. "I can't tell because she is on a motorcycle, without a helmet."

Immediately Brandt could guess who she was, but he didn't tell Ethan any details. All he told Ethan was to stay wary and not let his guard down.

* * *

"They're coming," Lane warned Walter and August. "For the cure."

"What are we going to do?" August asked. "We can't just fight them and defend the Anti-Gophite at the same time."

"Lane, you'll defend the Anti-Gophite entrance from my office," Walter ordered. "The main entrance has been taken care of, so August and I will fight them. If August nearly defeated Hunt, he can defeat three other people."

"Three?" August asked in confusion.

"Hunt and Brandt are mine," He sneered.

August shrugged, "Fine by me."



Tbh, this is a crappy chapter. 😂

Anyways, thank you so much for 1k reads! I appreciate it a lot. ♥️♥️♥️ Thanks again!!!

See you in the next chapter!



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