Start from the beginning

I look up and notice a thin dark line in the wallpaper. Stretching my hand out high, I trace the line with my finger tips. It's a crack in the wall, I decide, but then notice that it takes a curve at one end and leads towards the floor. A door then. My curiosity takes over and I move the painting to the side, discovering a slim door with a keyhole but no door knob. No way to get in then. The keyhole is heartshaped and I feel my heart take a sudden leap. The key to my heart. The words written onto my locked book come into my mind and I take a close look at the dirtied work of paper and wood. The lock can only be opened with a word, I realise when I spot the line of As on the spine. With quivering hands, I type in the most illogical word that I can imagine and press a finger onto the tiny green button.

The lock clicks and the book opens up, showing a hollow space with only a key inside.

I take the key and thrust it into the keyhole, whilst the book clutters to the floor, the spine now adorned by the word 'Athena'.

When the key turns in the hole, I stop breathing. Then I push the door open and step into a dimly lit study. The chair at the desk is facing the window behind.

"So you actually managed to open the book", a cool voice to my right observes. Calyx.

"Looks like I did." My own voice is arctic.

"And what leads you here, may I inquire?"

I open the hand that clutches Jess' note.

"Your sweet sister asking for my help."

This seems to take him by surprise, because he has nothing to respond to this. Finally I turn to look at him. He seems dishevelled, tired. And drunk. A half empty bottle with golden liquid sits on the table in front of him.

"What are you doing here?", I ask, cautiously taking a step towards him.

"Escaping reality, dearest Ilva. What else am I supposed to be doing here?"

Without any further warning, fury rises in me and I explode.

"Oh I don't know? Maybe finally trying to get your shit together and face your father?

Maybe finally making a decision on your own? How many others have you let go even though you would have rather kept them, huh?

How many hearts do you think you have broken so far, just because you cannot make a single decision without your godforsaken father's consent?

But no, the precious prince of Iléa is not fucking able to do anything without running to his daddy!

How much of a bloody moron can a single person be!

You think that this is just a game, right?

Just a show where you get to meet pretty girls that fight over you like starving children over a piece of bread! You probably even enjoy sending us home, don't you?!

It's fun to see these girls breaking and tearing up!

You disgust me, Calyx!

What kind of person are you to let your father go around and mock us, tell us we are unworthy the food we get here?

You told me that you'd fight for every single of us, but what do you really do? Hide in a dark corner and kill reality with booze! You're a freaking coward, you unworthy little shit! And I don't care anymore if I might anger or hurt you, because you hurt all of us so much more! I'm going home tonight anyways, so I might as well spare the other girls a bit of pain!

You listen to me now, little prince! You-"

His wide eyed stare makes me stop my rant for a second.

Writer Games: RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now