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„No,, not like this. CUT!!!"

The director shook his head and sighed deeply.

„Gackto-san... try to think like him. Understand his feelings,... his actions and adopt it."

Keiichi moved his arms wild to sign his words and Gackt sighed.

//That's easier said than done. I am supposed to play a serial killer who ate his victims and he is telling me to understand him...//

Gackt suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and looked at Keiichi.

„Can we take a break? This is kind of really tiring."

The director lifted an eyebrow and finally nodded.

„Well then, let's take a break."

After a glance on his watch he shook his head instead.

„Better we simply stop for today. It is late and I am afraid we won't get far anymore today." He sighed and clapped his hands.

„Okay guys... That's a wrap!. We'll see each other tomorrow for the chasing scenes."

Gackt got up and stretched. This shooting really was tiring. He loved being an actor and always had the feeling that it was easy for him to find into the roles but this one was really something different. He was supposed to play in a movie about the life of the serial murder Takegami Teijiro, who after killing his victims eat their flesh. In the moment Takegami was a prisoner in the Tokyo prison waiting for his death sentence to be fulfilled. It wasn't the first time that Gackt asked himself why Keiichi was so willing to make the life story of such a man but it seemed interesting for the audience, and even his fans liked the idea of him playing a serial killer. Still the vocalist asked himself how he should ever be able to play this man the way Keiichi was expecting it. The director had shown him the documents he had collected. Every piece of newspaper, every small article, meticulous sorted in the folder. Even court records that of course weren't official, could be found in this folder.

Gackt had to admit to himself that he could understand Keiichis interest in Takegami. It was the psych of this guy that caught his interest and got him into taking the role. Still it was hard to play the man the way the articles and newspapers where showing him.

Gackt slowly walked to his trailer and was about to open the door when Shiro came running.

„Gackt-san, Gackt-san wait a second!"

The young assistant of the marketing boss stopped in front of him breathing heavily for a few seconds.

„Shiro is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

The young man was really a bit white around his nose and that had for sure nothing to do with his little run. Shiro just shook his head and again gasped for air like a fish on the ground.

„The... the boss just got a call from the prison..." he stuttered.

„Take... Takegami wants to talk to you, Gackt-san!"

Now it was Gackts turn to look like he had seen a ghost. He had the feeling that every drop of blood had left his face and he was looking at Shiro completely blank.

„Please... What?"

Why should Takegami Teijiro want to talk to him? That was something the vocalist couldn't understand so far. Shiro collected his breath again to calm down before he continued.

„He knows about the movie and the filming and also that you have taken over his role. He... wants to talk to you. I have no idea about what but... the boss made the appointment for tomorrow morning."

Gackts mimic seemed to get even worse cause Shiro took a step backward.

„Tomorrow... morning already?"

The boy nodded.

„Yes there is no filming tomorrow and well... Takegami seemed to be pressing on a soon meeting. You will get a ride at 9 Gackt-san."

Gackt took a deep breath before he nodded slightly.

„It's okay. Then... tomorrow morning it is."

The vocalist again nodded and smiled slightly even if it felt hard to do so. He waited another few seconds but when Shiro didn't say anything he opened the door of his trailer and stepped in.

The night was short and even Gackt had to admit too short. He had been spending many hours thinking about what would happen but hadn't received any idea. Sometime in the morning hours he had fallen asleep just for minutes when the relentless clock woke him up again.

The vocalist got out of the sheets and dressed for the meeting which purpose he still didn't understand.

When he heard the car in front of his door he still wasn't really sure about everything.

Gackt took his jacket and with a last look into the mirror opened the door in the very moment when the driver had his hand lifted to knock.

He couldn't suppress the slight smile crawling on his lips when he saw the irritated look in the man's face, letting his hand sink.

"Go... good morning Gackt-San. My name is Officer Shusuke and I am here to get you to the prison."

The officer took a step back and slightly bowed before Gackt before escorting him to the car. As expected by the vocalist it was a police car and he had to smile thinking about the thoughts of his fans if they where about to see him getting away in a police car.

He got into the car waiting for the officer to follow. It was an uneasy feeling but he was trying to stay calm.

Officer Shusuke got in and started right away. The drive wasn't that long, Shusuke was silence but Gackt had the feeling that the other wasn't feeling quiet well in his presence.

He noticed the secret looks the officer sent him and wasn't sure if he should ask him about that.

When the car arrived at the prison Gackt felt the tense rising in meeting Takegami. The doors opened and the car rolled onto the inner yard. Waiting for the officer to open up the door Gackt waited in the car before he got out.

He let his gaze run through the yard up the walls. The officer guided him into the building and through the different security checks. Gackt had the feeling it took a lifetime to finally arrive at the conference room and sitting at the table there. The tense rose again when the door closed and left him alone with his thoughts. Still he hadn't found a reason why Takegami had wished for meeting him. The vocalist was so caught up in his thoughts that he trembled when the door was opened. The first thing he saw was a police officer entering the room and looking around. When he was pleased with what he saw he nodded to his colleague who obviously had waited for that sign before entering the room with Takegami Teijiro.

Goosebumps running down Gackts spine he couldn't prevent to tense up at the sight of the man. Takegami was wearing the blue prison pants but not wearing the same blue shirt as any other prisoner, he had a straight jacket closed to his throat. But this wasn't the thing that scared the most when looking at him, it was the look into his face.

Except for his eyes Gackt wasn't able to see any more than that. The other man was wearing a plastic mask over his mouth and nose. Gackt had seen the articles about the man trying to bite the guards and prisoners and it was a part of self-defence in having him wear this mask. Still it was something that caused him to slightly gulp and trying not to make it so noticeable for anyone when the officer lead Takegami to the small desk. Completely calm the other man let himself place on the table when the police officers first went back to the door before leaving the room and closing the door after them. They seemed to be entirely sure that nothing would happen leaving Gackt alone with the mass murderer.

Takegami had noticed the change of appearance on the other and a slight smile curled on his otherwise straight face.

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