chapter one : The Eunuch

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Chapter 1: The Eunuch


The honorable Ned stark sat alone in the black cells of the red keep. The stink of dead men loomed through out the air, when he first arrived the smell had made him gag. With no light he felt alone in the world. He was hungry and thirsty, yet all he could do was dream of food. His belly had an empty pain to it, he dreamt of bread and meat. The chains he wore around his wrists cut into his arms, blood slowly leaked down his hands. The blood made his hands sticky, or it dried to him creating scabs. If he moved or clenched his fists pain spread up his arm. He looked into the darkness, blind. He wondered what his wife was doing, he did love her. It didn't matter that she was originally promised Brandon, his brother. Every time he saw her, he didn't see the woman she had grown to be,

He saw the beautiful, frightened girl he met on his wedding day. He knew that whatever would happen to him, he would love her until the moment he took his last breath, hopefully he wouldn't die. If Cat still held the queens brother, Ned knew no harm would come to him or his daughters.

His mind slowly wondered to the worst possible thing that could happen. He didn't care about his life, but he cared about his daughters. He loved his daughters, Sansa always being the lady, he felt bad about the situation with the wolves, she looked just like her mother, a true Tully. The queen would never let Sansa marry joffery now, at least he hoped, 'how could you let her marry someone like that,' aryas words echoed through out his head. He thought about Arya, his little girl, Sansa might survive the queen, but Arya in court would not go well. Would the queen harm her after what happened at the crossroads inn. His mind raced to his oldest son Robb, Ned just hoped he would make the right decision. Ned just hoped he wasn't following lanister orders, if Robb was then every thing would go wrong. The lanister's could not be trusted. He thought about his youngest sons, little Bran would never walk, the amount of time he had talked to Bran about being a knight, Bran wanted to ride horses with a great sword at his side, and give flowers to the pretty maidens. He wouldn't be able to do that now, he would never ride a horse again. Rickon was too young for his farther to be locked in a prison cell. Maybe Jon was safest at the wall. Even though Jon wasn't his son, he was Jon's uncle. If Ned died here he would never get to tell Jon about his true parents, Jon had the right to know.

A sudden light burned in the corner of his eye, a flaming tourch burned closer to his face, he couldn't see who it was for his eyes hadn't adjusted to this knew sudden burst of light. "You've seen better days my Lord." A voice echoed through out the caveman walls, he instantly recognised the voice 'Varys' he thought, why was he visiting Ned

"A visit." Ned said horse through his dry throat, "seems your my last friend"

"No no." Varys said giving him a flask. " many still love you." Ned drunk the wine, finally something to drink. " Your daughter, Sansa came to court this morning to plead for your life." He said pulling down his black hood. Ned pulled the flask away from his lips.

"On her knees begging for me, did you laugh with the other?" He said looking up at Varys

"Your wrong my Lord, your blood is the last thing I want." Ned didn't believe him.

"What do you want Varys," he shrugged "I've given up trying to guess." Varys bent down.

"I don't want to see you dead my Lord." Of course you don't varys Ned thought.

"Why not." Ned questioned

"You want to know what I want my Lord, peace" varys stood up "did you know my Lord that your son marches south with an army." This didn't surprise Ned he just hoped he would win. "I need you alive my Lord, if you die what can I say...chaos."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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