In Omnia Paratus

Start bij het begin

I recognize Sutton by her bright blonde hair and higher pitched voice, "Cordie and I have been here about two hours. Then Wren, Jana and Quinn showed up about an hour ago with the rest of the new recruits. We were curious what had happened to you because you are the absolute last to arrive. You arrived alone and an hour after the last car." She pauses and takes a breath while eyeing me. Then she says, "Let me just say, that dress, wow! Someone must really like you! I should have begged to be brought in absolute last!" A grin splits across her face and she gives me a playful jab in the side. While everyone standing around not just in our immediate group nods in agreement.

"HA! Your dress is very pretty as well, but this whole event is over the top. The dance as we came to the bottom of the steps was a bit much, don't you think? Who plans something like that and especially the Viennese waltz? I feel like we have walked right into a masked debutante ball! What was with the disappearing act? Did your dance partners disappear on you as well?"

"Oh Coli, look around. We all have very pretty Marchesa ball gowns with beaded bodices in varying colors, but it is in fact, the exact same dress. Also, I wasn't met at the bottom of the stairs and whisked around the dance floor. I didn't see any one else have that happen either. Did any of you?"

Wren lets out a giggle and says, "Nope, no ballroom dancing for me. And that was not just a Viennese waltz Coli! That was hot! Steamy hot, and everyone noticed it. I wish I could tell you who the guy was, but all these damn masks are the same with the creepy screens over the eyes. And of course, the exact same outfits make it a bit difficult to know, ya know?"

Looking around I start to notice what they were talking about; my dress is different from everyone else. I also notice there are plenty of people staring, in what I hope, is in our collective direction, but I have a feeling they are staring at me. Ugh, just what I didn't want, to be the center of attention. "Who the hell would do this to me? Is this some sick initiation thing to see how I can handle the uncomfortable position they put me in?"

Shrugging Sutton responds placatingly, "I don't know if they were pulling an initiation thing or setting you apart to ensure they never lost track of you in the sea of dresses and mask. I'm more inclined to believe this was deliberate to keep eyes on you. I mean who was your mystery lover on the dance floor? Did he give you a name or what did his voice sound like? None of them are giving their names or any information as they interact with us, but I can tell you a few of them have pretty hot voices."

"He didn't say anything to me." I reluctantly admit while biting my lip nervously.

Quinn smiles and leans in close and speaks conspiratorially, "Well ladies, our superior intellect should allow us to deduce who put Coli in this uncomfortable situation. If it as Sutt suggested, the person Coli danced with and put her in that very expensive Marchesa is watching her currently and won't be taking their eyes off her. How about Sutton and Collins move, and we will split up. Then we watch to see who seems to always be moving to keep her within sight. We should be able to narrow it down quickly as I'm pretty sure everyone is toasted and mostly clustered in the ball room. Make sure you walk around the corner where even the ones on the stairs can't see you, so we can see if any of them move."

Sutton says, "Ooh, kind of like Coli is the bait. We just have to watch and see who goes after it!"

After agreeing, we split up and start making our rounds through this... what can only be described as gothic chic mansion. It is mostly lit by recessed lighting giving it a slightly creepy slightly romantic feel. I say creepy because I honestly feel like someone is following me. I don't know if it's because Quinn wants someone to be or if it's because someone is, but I feel it none the less.

As we continue to make the rounds through this place, we notice we are coming up on a hedge maze in the foggy backyard making it fully creepy and not romantic. Sutton seems to be excited which is strange as this is usually my thing, not hers. Anyway, when we look and see no one. We, of course, decide to partake in the horror movie adventure. Sutton excitedly takes off running leaving me behind. Hoping to find her, I go forward, living out every scary movie person's worst nightmare as I enter the foggy maze looking for my friend. I call out "Marco" and hear a giggly "Polo". So I make my way further through the maze and BAM! I run straight into a masked man.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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