The Repeated Love 64 - Reunion of the Lovers from the Past

Start from the beginning

'Sh-sh-she's so cute! W-wh-what should I do?? H-her face is too near!! And-' He gulped twice to your pink lips. 'T-this is bad..! I-'

He blinked as you giggle softly. "Wh-what's wrong?"

You shook your head. "No, nothing. I'm sorry but.. you are really cute, Juudaime-sama."

'You are cuter.' He wanted to say that so bad. "N-no.. I.." He clench his fists, his expression changed. "I-I should be the one who supposed to thank you. You were always there beside me, no matter what. Although you always said that it was your duty as my right hand woman, I feel.. so happy."


"Ri-Riekka.. thank you for being here. Thank you for accepting me the way I am, risking your life for your l-" His blush darkened, looking away to avoid your focused gaze. "..l-love for me."

Now it is your turn to blush. There is no intention of him to do this because of pity, no. He was doing it in his typical shy manner, the attitude of trying his best when he couldn't do it. The sincerity and honesty makes you blush like a cherry, makes your heart beats faster, but wanted to hear more and more from him.

"Ah.. uhm.."

You didn't know how to answer to his apology. You didn't expect for someone like Tsuna to gather his courage to say something like that; and when you were about to part your lips to reply, Giotto had stole the chance as he started a conversation to the person who was approaching him this evening.


"Ah, what is the matter, maiden?"

Ceres could tell that the corner of her lips twitched into an awkward smile. 'It's alright, I've always disguised myself as Vongola's no.1 spy during my time, so he can't see it through no matter how strong his super intuition is, so it will be alright..!' She advices herself, keeping the stoic face and trying her best to act like you.

"B-Beautiful night, isn't it?"


'Beautiful night? Beautiful night?? What am I saying?? That is the stupidest word for the topic of conversation ever made!!'

"It is." He smiled gently, enough to make Ceres's heart melt. How she had longed for his smile that could defeat all the gentlemen in Italy. The moon radiated a warm light, accompanied by the soft breeze that blew the petals of cherry blossom tree to descend gracefully onto the pond.

"It's very peaceful too." He added. There was a melancholy smile on his reflection at the surface of the water. "...If only I could enjoy this moment together with her." He murmured.

"Her..?" Ceres narrowed her eyes, clenching on her dress.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"Is it your important person?" She asked on purpose.

"Yes, very much." He lift his chin. "Not only me, but my friends too. She may have been with us only for a short while, but her existence was very important to us. Especially me."

"..." She pressed her lips.

"Ah, I'm sorry to rant someone that you didn't know."

She shook her head. "No, it's alright."

He chuckled. "From what I heard from Decimo, she was related to you too."

"Is it.. your right hand woman, Ceres Aria?"

His smile was still there, but she knew it had faded deep within silently. Once again, his hope were crushed when 'you' mentioned that name.

"She said 'her' name?"

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now