" It wasn't the injections You were having Morning sickness Daddy ran several test when you got here to the hospital and the pregnancy test came back positive but when the ultrasound was done there was no heartbeat for the baby , Your Parents signed for you to have a D&C done because they knew you didn't need anymore physical pain than what you were already going through " Morgan explained

I closed my eyes to process what Morgan just told me I was pregnant with his or his brothers baby but I lost the little angel that I didn't even know that was there

A Baby A Miscarriage kept echoing in my head

Tears slipped down my cheek before I knew it I was in a full sob
I then was lifted up into a pair of Arms
" Bambino I know let it out "

I heard sniffles and it wasn't from me I open my eyes to see Sammy and Mason both awake with tears down their faces I looked up to Morgan and see the same

" I'm sorry I didn't know " I cried

" Oh Jellybean we know , We know you would never put yourself or our baby in danger " Mason said as he sat down on the bed

" That's Right Mi Amor Bello we know that " Sammy says as he sat down too

" Harper if anything good that can come out of this is that you can get pregnant with just one ovary I know that's not going to take the pain away but it's something to think about " Uncle Sean says

" That's because I have super sperm " Sammy said

I had to giggle at that

" TMI " Papa Said from the other bed
" Papa "
" Yes baby girl "
" I'm sorry "
" I know baby but it's okay and I know you will make me a grandpa one day just not too soon okay I'm not old yet " Papa Marc said with a chuckle
He got out of bed and hugged me so tight kissed my head then sat back down

" You are old " Sean said with a smile
" Don't Listen to him "

" We did find a large amount of a Fertility Drug in your system, I'm not one hundred percent sure but I think he was waiting to Rape you because he wanted you to get pregnant with his child I think he wanted to bind you two together forever "Papa Said

" Whoa What " I responded " You don't think that he might have caused the miscarriage do you "

" I don't know Harper but I will say if you want to blame him go right ahead and once we catch him you can do the honors " Daddy Axel said from the doorway

" Daddddy "
Daddy Axel came to me arms out stretched I leaned in to him as he wrapped he arms around me

" Little Warrior"

" Papa Raven "

Papa Raven came to me hugging me tightly

" Harper Jane Toma "

" Daddy Corey, Papa Brandon "
Both sandwiched me between them

" Where's Mama"

" I'm here Harper" Mama said from the door

She was hesitant to come in

" Mama come on in I'm not mad at you or any of you I understand why you chose to do the D&C the only one I'm mad ... No Pissed at is Todd he took away my baby"

Mama came to me hugging me tightly

" I see my favorite Sister is up "

"Jacks I knew I was your favorite but don't tell Beanie " I say with a small laugh

" Ha no we don't tell her " Jacks said with a laugh

" Bambino I need to get up "
" Okay "
Papa Marc picked me up out of Morgan's lap held me until Sammy sat down then he put me Sammy's lap

Once in Sammy's lap he nuzzles my neck
" I'm so sorry Sammy "
" Harper there is nothing you should be sorry about "
" I lost our Baby, Yours, Morgan's , Masons , I lost the baby , I want my baby back "
I let out a huge sob

Sammy held me, he kept telling me it will be okay that we all will get through this
I couldn't stop crying

Uncle Sean came in hooked up my IV again and put something in it

" You put something in my IV didn't you "
" Yes I did you need to sleep "

" I don't want to sleep he's going to invade my dreams "

" Bambino we will be here with you , Sammy will hold you as you sleep and if he needs to move Mason or I will take over "

" Harper we are all here for you and will hold you like we did when you were little and got scared when Jacks would wear his Halloween mask "

I let a small smile come to my face
" Yeah Harper I could go find it " Jacks said
" Don't you dare Jacks or I'll tell Beanie to beat you up again "

They all started to talk about the things I did as a kid the medicine started to work fast and my body slipped into sleep

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon