How are they always prepared?

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So you know how when it's getting to that really good part and you have to keep your poker face on the whole time. And it goes like:

Mark found this completely unexpected! Here he was with his best friend from childhood, who he's had a crush on forever! Ash lays him on the bed and kisses him all over. Mark is a virgin and doesn't know what to do next so he just lays there enjoying himself. Lucky they were at Mark's house so he felt more comfortable. All of a sudden both are completely naked and Ash reaches over to the bed side table and grabs a bottle a lube and a condom.

Like. What.

First off...does Ash have magical powers or something cause I know for a fact getting your own clothes off let alone yours and someone else's is a challenge to begin with.

Second if this is your first time, Mark, why do you magically have a bottle of lube and a condom? I know you were thinking of the future and all, but really, you are not that lucky to where you just thought

'Hmmm maybe my best friend who I love more than a friend will go ass deep in me today when I see him! Aww well I'll get this anyway.'

Later that day.

'I guess I was right after all! Thanks magical ass senses, I owe you one. '

Then he chuckles, (because chuckling is manly as all hell) and goes to sleep by his new lover's side. Roll credits.

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