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Life was quite, just way to normal as the young girl listen to an audiobook. Time fly by, but not for her. She was bored, way to bored so she went out in the frosty evening.

Snow, new and old gathered together on the road and sidewalks. Three's was covered in white stockings of snow, it was a quiet evening that would change her.

To get to nearest shop, she had to walk a path in the mountains behind her house. She had done it many times before, but never in the winter.

She walked, it was harder than expected in the thick snow, but she keept on going. Her mind slipping away, time after time. Images of a city were a young girl lied dying on the ground.

Huge figures surrounding her, trying to keep her life from fading. It felt so close, as if she could reach out her hand to them.

Daydreaming, it was something she hadn't done in ages. Letting her brain take over what ever it had been, slowly letting her world fade.

She images a form for herself, not having a clue of other ideas than herself in a blue dress that was hovering over the ground. Smell's, blood, iron , smoke and so much, letting them be real for a moment.

Not knowing who that girl was, but she intended to save her. She keept her eyes closed as she image her surroundings change. As it all were in her head she couldn't open her eyes, she knew it.

She could hear gasping, but ignoring them she walked over to the girl.

"By the Emperor..." Was most used words around her, but her brain let them go as she reached out her hand to the girl.

"Do you want to live?" Her voice was smooth and low as she said them. Not wanting anyone in the woods to hear her.

The girl nodded slowly as she could feel warm search her body and down to the girl's arm. She could see her powers in her mind working their wonder on the body. Putting it together and fixed everything about her.

She then let's her hand go slowly as she stands up , slowly letting her mind come back to her real body and opened her eyes.

But she was now standing on green spot, not snow covered as it had used to be. A faith smile as she turned on the audiobook and start walking again.

Meanwhile a little bit before she walked over.

They ran to her, her fragile body broken in different places and bleeding. Apothecary gave her pain killers, but it was all she could do for her child. She had taken with many others the rule as her guardian.

"I am tired..." She said with her low shaking voice.

"No, don't.." they muttered as they were doing their best not to show emotions. They were Adeptus Astartes in the end, even if they were 'missing in action' many years ago. Few knew about, but only a handful.

Suddenly they all went quiet as a figure out of nowhere became solid, just out of nowhere. Her aura, or his, were warm and non of them felt like even putting a gun against this creature that slowly took on a human form.

It's eyes were closed yet open, non of them could be sure about it. This figure walked slowly over to the girl and takes her hand.

"Do you want to live? "They look at her with huge eyes. As non of them had their helmets on and possessed non other things to scan her with their eyes. The Apothecary had a scanner with her, but it was already back in her backpack.

Their little sweatheart nod, as they can see glowing thing and dust coming out of this creature. The bones of the girl fixing themselves, cuts healing in abnormal speed.

Then everything disappeared as it let's her hand off this human mortal and stands up. Slowly it fades away, like if it was blown away by the wind.

No of them speak, just look on the spot were it had disappeared. Before a small body started to cuff and become lively again.

"Did you see her? "Her first words was in amazement.

Slowly nodded to this stupid question, they all had seen it.

"She was warm... " The girls eyes went wide for a sudden before sharing her head. That could only be her mind, it was no way it could be the truth.

TransferOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora