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My adrenaline was pumping, fuelling my lungs, heart and legs. I was running, fleeing, escaping the life that has only hurt me.

Its 2:26am, and I'm headed to the airport. All I have with me is my drawstring bag with one outfit, and the outfit I have on. I have only the clothes on my back, well and about $2,500 that I've saved up over the past year. I've needed to do this for so long, I've needed to leave to try and better my life; I was barely living at my house. This may not be the smartest idea but it was all I could think of that would actually work.

I stole my dads Mastercard and with that I got a plane ticket to Los Angeles. After that I threw the card into the street so that he would think he lost it and would think that the plane ticket was from whoever found it.

My feet were aching and my chest was on fire but I couldn't stop, or look back, it would be too much. I ran and ran until I reached the subway station which is about twenty blocks from my house and jumped in a cab.

My nerves were all over the place, I'm only sixteen for Christ sake, this is what you hear about on the news. "A sixteen year old girl went missing in the early morning, from {.....} Her safety is the polices main concern at the moment." The driver asked where I was going, snapping my panicked attention to him, through the rearview mirror. I started to second guess my request to go to the airport but spoke anyway.

"Bangor International Airport." I said sounding as confident as I could. I was still trying to catch my breathe also, and was trying to not show it.

"I hope you don't mind my asking but why are you going there this early in the morning?" He asked as we pulled away from the curb. I started to sweat a little in my boots and think about the possibilities that could happen if I mess up.

"I'm going to meet my mom there, her flight lands at 3:15am. I ran here from my house which is about two blocks away. I'm a little out of shape." I said, and he chuckled at my lively tone. I was trying to seem as believable as I could to not raise his suspicion.

'I'm only a sixteen year old fleeing her family, and life; no big deal.'

"Well I think I will get you there right on time for your mother's plane to land." He said as we made our way onto the interstate.

It may seem cheesy for me to say this but my life flashed in front of my eyes. Every last detail was through at me and I grew more and more paranoid about what I was getting myself into than I would have ever guessed. If they ever found out that I left, which they will, and if they ever find out where I went, I know I will be killed. I had no safe option in my situation, I could either sit and be tormented or leave and hope for a few months of care free life; something I was denied of the past sixteen years. My life was going to change and I was ready for that but not ready for the challenges that would lie ahead which would really make me question my decision in the first place.

The drive seemed to be going in super speed and before I knew it, I could see the flashing lights of the in coming planes and then we pulled up to the curb. The nerves kicked in again but I kept telling myself to calm down to not look suspicious. "Would you like me to keep the meter running; to take you and your mother home?" he asked as he unlocked the doors. I pulled the 48$ out of my wallet and handed it to him, "Oh no thank you, my moms car is in the lot over there." I said pointing to the car lot.

I said bye and thank you before closing the door and entering the airport. I followed the signs until I reached the security part of the airport. It may seem suspicious again that I only have a carry-on bag and no luggage, but hopefully I won't look to obvious. I have a lot riding on this, if I haven't stressed that already.

I waited my turn in line for the metal detectors and when it go to me I put my bag in the bin and any jewelry I had on and then walked through. I was cleared to get my things but called over by a man in uniform. My stomach knotted the minute he called me over thinking I had been caught.

I made my way over to him and he lead me into a room. I felt tears rush to my eyes, fearing the worst but blinked them away.

"I would just like to ask you a few questions, that's all." He spoke pointing to a chair signaling for me to take a seat. I sat down and placed my bag onto my lap as he sat across from me.

"I watched you come in and come threw security and I noticed that you only checked in and came in with a carry-on bag." I nodded and he continued.

"Care to explain?" he asked.

"Well...I-I am, I'm going to meet my dad in Los Angeles. He's there on business and he flew out my luggage already." I said, agreeing with myself that it sounded like a believable excuse. He didn't seem to buy it, or at least he didn't look like he bought it.

"Okay Ms. one more question. I'm going to need some ID." He said, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I could prove that I was legal age to fly alone, maybe that would make him leave me alone. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out my drivers license, placing it in front of him on the table.

He picked it up and most likely read the birthday and name. Amber Rose Bradley. February 17th 1998. 167cms. 110lbs.

"Seeing as you are or legal age to fly alone I must let you go, your story seems legitimate as well. I will escort you to your terminal seeing as I took time out of your day." He said standing up and handing me back my license.

He escorted me to terminal 112 and wished me safe travel before leaving me to wait.

I had an hour layover at the JFK International in New York and my plane from NY was set to land at LAX at 9am. My plane called boarding and the flight literally flew by and ninety minutes later I landed at JFK.

I could now really breath knowing I was miles away from my home town, miles away from my parents and only miles away from my dream city.

I found myself sitting in my upper class seat, with no one yet sitting next to me and I was praying it would stay that way. Just as the flight attendant came on the intercom and started the list of "Safety Precautions" someone stopped right next to my seat. I looked up hesitantly and was faced with two teenage boys. I jumped back a little at how close they were standing, then I realized that these two seats were theirs...


an; this is my story from Quotev so there is no copy right issues.

Escaping Love {c.d}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora