Chapter 4

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    The next day, you had a weird feeling the moment you woke up. You shruged it off, and got ready for school. But first you transformed into a neko and looked at your c/c ears and tail. You sighed, then transformed back into a human. Then you jumped out of your window, hood up, and landed on your feet. You walked to school.
   You and Karma and Nagisa were talking. You kept patting Nagisa's head because you just couldn't help it. He was so adorable. Karma kept teasing you about the pocky, that is until you put a real knife up to his throat. Then the knife was gone. "Y/n! No dangerous weapons in class!" Lectured Koro-Sensei. You just glared at him and mouthed 'pocky'. Then class began. Koro-Sensei said "we are going to gave a new student." Then the frikin white hooded man walked through the door. You launched a real knife at him. It hit the wall, barely an inch from his face. "Y/N!" Yelled Koro-Sensei. "Oops i missed. I was aiming for his head." You hissed. "I am Shiro. I am not the new student. I am his guardian." Said the hooded guy. "Then were is the new kid?" Asked Kaede. "He will be here shortly" replied Shiro. Just then the wall behind you and Karma exploded. A boy, who was obviosly the new kid, said "I have proven myself stronger than the wall" you just turned around and started drawing scenes of killing Shiro. "Why did you destroy the wall?!?!" Asked someone. "Because I eliminate things stronger than me." He touched Karma's head. "You look like the strongest here. But dont worry, I am still stronger than you" you just rolled your eyes. Then as the kid walked to the front he patted Nagisa's head. You were over there in a second. You kicked him so hard, he crashed through the wall. Then you patted Nagisa's head. " That is Itona" said Shiro. Itona stared at you. " Do not pat his head" you said. Then you returned to your seat. Itona crawled back through the new hole. Then Karma asked, "hey, if its raining, why aren't you wet?". Itona turned to Koro-Sensei. " As I said, I eliminate things stronger than me, and you brother, are stronger than me." He said. "BROTHER?!?!" Shouted most of the class. You didn't really care." At lunch, I challenge you to a duel." Said Itona. Then he turned around and we made eye contact. He walked over to me and leaned REALLY close to me. I could hear Karma and Nagisa growl. "How did you kick me so hard and why did you move fo fast?" He asked me. "Get outa my face" you hissed, pushing him away. He simply sat in the seat next to you. During Advisory, you looked over and saw Itona had a bunch of sweets on his desk. He was also reading a dirty magasine. Then you spoted the pocky on his desk. TARGET LOCATED. Then you snatched the box without him seeing. You ate the pocky right infront of him. Karma started laughing. Itona looked up to see why, and saw I had the pocky. He looked at his pile and saw his was missing. "Give it back" he said. The room went silent. Everyone saw the pocky. You just kept eating them. Karma was on the floor, laughing. Then the bell rang for lunch. We turned the classroom into an arena. Shiro exlained the rules. Then Itona wanted to make a bet. "Winner gets...." then he pointed at me. "Her" he said. "Um, im not an object! What the heck!" You yelled. Then you felt arms hold you. You look up and see Karma. Then Nagisa drags me towards him. WTF You thought. "WHY ARE YOU ALL SO WEIRD!" you yelled. Then you stormed out of the classroom. You sat in your corner, and drew more murder scenes. This time the victom was Itona.
  You heard Itona had lost. Then your classmates told you that Itona had tenticles. That was news.

It had finally stoped raining. Everything dried really quick. You decided to climb trees. You jumped from branch to branch, tree to tree. Then you sat on a high branch and layed back against the tree trunk. Moments later, you hear someone else near by. You turn and look around. Nothing. When you look back, you see Itona an inch from your face. You jumped and slipped. Then Itona caught you. With his tentacles. He basicaly tied you up with his tentacles. "What the heck Itona!" You yell. What a jerk. Then you sunk your claws deep into his tentacles. He drops you. You hit the ground running. You run through town, through allies, and by houses, until you get home. You lock the door and change outa your uniform. You want to punch Itona in the face. You headed to the basement. You had a punching bag down there. You taped a detailed picture of Itona to the bag. Then you start punching. Every once in a while, you put a new face on the bag. Then you gather all your anger and punch the bag. Your knuckles bleed. You keep punching. You need to take out all your anger. A few hits lator, you break the bag. Then you change into your pajamas. You get in bed, but cant sleep. You keep thinking of Karma and Nagisa and Itona. Why were they acting so weird? You try to count sheep. 1 sheep. 2 sher. 3 sheep. 4 sheep. Then you finally start dozing off. Your sleep is fitful. Nightmares. Your tourcherous dreams are very unpleasant. You will not sleep very well. You eventusly rested. Finaly, you relax. You hate nightnmares. You dream of your friends. You dream of them all getting along. Your dream is very happy to you. In your sleep, you transformed so many times. Oh well.

Hai. I wrote two chapters and im exausted. This took forever. Luv ya guys ~💗

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