What Is Happening

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Your p.o.v.
Bakugo looked pissed and I just sat there quietly looking down. "Was it dabi?!" Katsuki began to yell making me flinch he noticed to and walked up stairs leaving me alone. I got up and headed out the door but a shiver ran down my spine and I started to feel uneasy. What ever was behind the door wasn't good. I didn't open it I stepped back and further away from the door as I could get. Then the lights went out and I could see the sunrise through the thin curtain windows. The front door was kicked down and the silohette of a man showed I froze up I couldn't move. "There you are~" dabi purred with a wicked smile. "Dabi your drunk please go home" I said trembling in fear. "Not without you I'm not" he said and took a step further. He was inches away when he lifted his hand. "Don't hurt me please!! I'll go with you" I said falling on my knees. Dabi grabbed my hand
And started walking out. "DIE YOU COWARD!!!!" katsuki ran towards dabi punching him in his face. Dabi let go of me making me fall to the ground. Dabi lit up his blue flames with his right hand and threw it to katsuki who dodged the fire ball just by an inch and ran towards dabi explosions on both his hands. "Die you piece of shit how dare you hurt (y/n)!!!" Katsuki landed one of his explosions on dabi's stomach. I was curled up by a corner trembling in fear. Dabi hit the ground and katsuki got on top him and punched dabi in the face. Until another silohette appeared at the door. It was dabi???

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